Quick Veggie Slaw Burger : A Delicious Veggie Burger!

You can keep the ingredients for this meal on hand for those times when you want something healthy but don’t want to spend a lot of time making it. Buy frozen veggie burgers and fries and keep them in the freezer.  Get a bag of shredded cabbage and carrots (slaw mix).  For the meal toss the fries in the oven, heat the burger per directions and take some of your slaw mix and add a little mayo or better yet Vegenaise. Put a HUGE gob of slaw on your burger.  It is SOOOO good!


Sometimes you want something to eat that’s easy to make. If you’re into eating healthier this can be tricky.  I keep a few things on hand for when I don’t feel like making something healthy from scratch. These veggie burgers are one of them. There are a variety of brands out there you can buy but I love the taste of the Boca brand the best! They fry up in a pan in about 10 minutes. My favorite way to eat my veggie burger is with a large amount of coleslaw on top. Makes my mouth water just talking about it. Use any buns or bread of choice.

I also bake up some healthy type frozen fries and I make my coleslaw from the bags of mix but I toss the seasoning packet and just add in Vegenaise, a non dairy delicious mayo, and a little honey, Xylitol or agave nectar for sweetness. When finished you’ve got a very filling healthy meal with minimal work!blank300x231

Supplies for Veggie Burgers with Slaw

  • Frozen Vegan Burgers
  • Package shredded slaw mix (cabbage and carrots)
  • Vegenaise (non dairy delicious mayo replacer!)
  • Sweetener i.e. honey, xylitol or agave nectar
  • Buns or bread of choice
  • Frozen healthy fries



Visual Instructions

Quick Veggie Slaw Burgers.1


Quick Veggie Slaw Burgers.2

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You can keep the ingredients for this meal on hand for those times when you want something healthy but don’t want to spend a lot of time making it. Buy frozen veggie burgers and fries and keep them in the freezer.  Get a bag of shredded cabbage and carrots (slaw mix).  For the meal toss the fries in the oven, heat the burger per directions and take some of your slaw mix and add a little mayo or better yet Vegenaise. Put a HUGE gob of slaw on your burger.  It is SOOOO good!



Quick Veggie Slaw Burgers
  • Frozen Veggie Burgers (Boca is a great brand)
  • Package slaw mix (cabbage and carrots)
  • Vegenaise
  • Sweetener (honey, agave nectar or Xylitol)
  • Frozen healthy fries
  • Bread or buns of choice
  1. Bake your fries as directed.
  2. To make coleslaw place the shredded carrot/cabbage mix in a bowl. Add in Vegenaise and sweetener to taste. Mix.
  3. Pan fry your burger as instructed. You can microwave them but they are MUCH better when browned in a pan.
  4. Assemble burger with a HUGE amount of slaw on top. Sprinkle fries with any seasonings you wish or just sea salt.


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