I’m not one to waste space, especially in a small home. After getting my simple diy pantry built in as part of our outdated kitchen transformation, the back of that pantry door was just staring at me all empty-like. So I asked Roy if he could pleeeeease make me a pantry door organizer. Being a sucker for my puppy dog eyes, he said yes. I just wanted it to hold some basic things like plastic bags, teas, jellos and other smaller items. He measured it up and before I knew it, my panty door was empty no more! Roy is not a professional carpenter and only recently started dabbling in building things. He claims anyone can build these things with a few basic tools. So don’t let the idea of wood work overwhelm you!
Pantry Door Organizer Supplies & Tools
- 1″x4″ for sides and shelves all cut to 2.5″ wide
- 1/4″ slats cut from left over pieces for cross pieces
- Luan 1/4″ plywood, 2″x4″ piece
- Wood Glue
- Clamps
- Saber Saw for Cutting Notch in Back for Door Knob
- Table Saw was used for everything else
Assembly Photos

I added some colorful contact paper to the back of some of the shelves. You can never have too much storage!
Could you make this wide enough for cans or would it be too heavy on the door?
what clearance do you need from edges of door
How did you attach it to the door? Is it permanent?
Yes it’s attached onto the door. Though you could make it removable if desired I guess.
Looks like it’s screwed into door. Awesome idea!
Hi, thanks for sharing this! I was wondering how this was attached to the pantry door?
You are amazing! Thanks so much for sharing your inspiring use of small spaces.
I appreciate that Gia. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for visiting! Ü