Simple Ways to Stay Healthy


Being unhealthy affects everything in your life.  Below are some great tips and links to show you some simple ways to stay healthy and even fix many issues. If you’re looking for ways to improve your health but you’re unsure where to begin then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Whether you’ve experienced a recent health scare or you’re looking to improve your health overall, taking proper care of yourself is incredibly important. Luckily, there are lots of ways in which you can put your health first. From making sure you’re eating a healthy diet to cutting out bad habits, the more you’re doing to look after your health the better. With that in mind, here are 14 ways to get started: 

Eating Well

One of the best ways to ensure you’re looking after your health is to make sure you’re eating a healthy diet. Although a lot of people believe this means eating a strict calorie-controlled diet every day, it’s more about eating the food your body needs when it needs it. Known as intuitive eating, you need to listen to your body and give it the nutrients it needs to survive. If you’re tired, eat something that will give you energy. If you’re feeling unwell, eat something with vitamin C. There are so many incredible foods that your body can eat to lead you to a healthier lifestyle, all of which can be done without sticking to a calorie-controlled diet. For more information when it comes to intuitive eating, you can follow this link.  We have many great healthy delicious recipes here on our site from main dishes to the most healthy treats imaginable! One VERY popular dessert is our healthy cookie dough recipe!

Healthy Cookie Dough Recipe Tastes Like the Real Thing!

Walking or other Exercise

Alongside your healthy diet, you need to ensure that you’re exercising as often as you possibly can. When it comes to exercise, people think that they need to give it either all or nothing and honestly, that’s just not the case. Walking is one of the BEST type of activity that is easy and enjoyable. If you struggle when it comes to finding the motivation to exercise, you may want to consider starting off small.

Bad Habits

Although it can be difficult, cutting out any bad habits you may have is a great way to look after your health. Whether you’re a smoker or you drink every weekend, thinking about how you can cut down is important. It may not happen right away but with a little bit of determination, you may be surprised at what you can do. For tips and tricks when it comes to cutting out bad habits, you can visit this link.

How to Stop Smoking : 3 Minutes a Day for 3 Weeks

We'll show you how to stop smoking in 3 weeks with only 3 minutes a day using simple acupressure! Print out our pocket card and see if it works for you!

8 Hours Sleep

Another great way to improve your health is to ensure you’re getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Although it can be near-impossible, you need to ensure you’re getting enough rest to fuel the day ahead of you.  From our own experience, we know it can be difficult. The best way to ensure you’re getting enough sleep is to go to bed at the same time every night. You should switch your electronics off at least 30 minutes before you lie down to sleep, taking the time to relax and drift off. If it helps, use lavender room spray to make you feel sleepy. If you’re really struggling to sleep, it might be worth a visit to your doctor.

Trouble Sleeping? Try These 15 Ideas!

Bedtime should be something you look forward too and enjoy. If you have trouble sleeping we've got a list of unique suggestions ideas to help you out.

Drink 64 oz Of Water A Day

Alongside a good night’s sleep and a healthy diet, you need to be sure you’re drinking at least 2L of water a day. This may be hard at first, but your body needs at least that in order to function properly on a day-to-day basis.  If you know you’re going to find it difficult to drink more water than you already are, you may want to consider buying a water bottle that shows how much you need to drink within a certain timeframe. Not only does having a water bottle encourage you to drink more but knowing when you’re supposed to drink it by will really help.

Why Glass Water Bottles Are BetterLearn the down and dirty about why glass water bottles are better for you and the dangers of using plastic to drink from our store food in. One word: BPA

See A Doctor For Serious Ongoing Issues

Though prevention is the best way to keep yourself healthy and making lifestyle choices can alleviate many conditions, if something is serious enough you may need to see a doctor or specialist. If you have conditions that you think require a little more attention, you may want to consider specialist treatment. Whether this means booking an appointment with a nutritionist or looking for chiropractic services, the more you’re doing to look after your health the better.

Your Mental Health

There is a strong connection between our mental health and physical conditions.  Stress, anxiety and depression can create and exacerbate many conditions. Whether this means seeing a mental health specialist or taking some of the smaller steps needed to look after yourself, you need to ensure you’re doing all that you can to look after your mental health. If you’re looking for a guide to looking after your mental health, you can visit this link.  There are also many things you can do at home. Check out our post below for some great ideas!

Tips to Stop Negative Thoughts in their Tracks

Socializing and Time with those you Love

One of the best ways to improve your mental health is to spend time with the people that you love. Whether that means spending time with your friends on the weekend or visiting your family after a long day at work, surrounding yourself with people that make you feel happy is incredibly important. Although it can be hard to distance yourself from those that are bad for you, you need to ensure you’re doing this too.

Practice Self-Care

Another great way to tend to your mental health is to make sure you’re practicing self-care. Self-care is different for everyone but some great ways to look after yourself include taking a long hot bath after a difficult day, taking a morning stroll around your local neighborhood, and even baking your favorite cupcakes for a Friday night treat. At the end of the day, if it makes you feel relaxed and at peace, it can be classed as self-care.

Where’s Your Sanctuary? Creating Your Happy PlaceWhy it's important for you have your own special sanctuary or "happy place" that you can retreat too daily and some great simple ideas for creating one!

having Goals

Although it may be difficult at times, you also need to think about what you want to achieve and how you’re going to get there. Whether it’s a career goal or a personal goal, knowing how you’re going to achieve it can make the world of difference. When it comes to setting goals, you need to ensure they’re SMART. This means they need to relate to something specific, they need to be measurable, they need to be relevant to you or your career and you need to set a date for when you would like to achieve them. Although it will take some time, you will feel much more focused when you’re done. Every year we do a Casual Resolutions Kit which is a non-stressful goal kit you can download. Check out our recent one for 2020 below!

Casual Resolutions Goal Setting Kit 2020 EditionIt's 2020 and goal setting has never been easier! This is our 5th edition of our free & popular Casual Resolutions Kit with new ideas, theme and quotations!

Review Daily Affirmations

Another great way to look after your mental health is to go over your daily affirmations. For those of you that don’t know, these are the things you need to tell yourself every single day. Whether it’s ‘I am strong’ or ‘I am beautiful’ – repeating them every single day can be incredibly powerful.  Another fun tool for reminding you of what you want is to make a vision board. Check out our post below!

How to Make a Vision BoardLearn how to make a vision board which is a fun creative way to assist in your goals and dreams. You could host a Vision Board Party with family or friends!

Journal At The End Of Each Night

Finally, you may want to consider writing in a journal at the end of the night. Although this isn’t for everyone, taking the time to write down your thoughts and feelings from the day is a great way to get them out. Whether it allows you to work through a difficult situation or it simply acts as a therapeutic way to help you sleep, never underestimate the power of keeping a journal.

Are you looking for new ways to improve your health? What changes can you make to your lifestyle to ensure you’re being as healthy as you possibly can be? Did we miss anything off the list? Let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

Being unhealthy affects everything in your life.  Below are some great tips and links to show you some simple ways to stay healthy and even fix many issues. 

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