How to Make Easy Low Calorie Dog Treats!

Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

Learn how to make easy low calorie dog treats that cost pennies and can last a while depending on your dog. We have a terrier mix named Oliver Sprout. He was a rescue and think he’s the most special dog ever. (We know you feel the same about yours) You can read Oliver’s story and how he got his name here. He’s 6 years old and despite keeping him on a strick grain-free diet he had put on a few pounds. (Who can’t relate to that?) Our vet said he was healthy but the extra weight could cause problems.  Plus he was finding it hard reach his nooks and crannies and clean himself! He suggested we feed Oliver 2/3rds of what we are currently feeding him which we began. We could give him minimal safe low calorie treats a couple of times a day, one of which was half a frozen carrot. He loves them! But I wanted to find something else that he could enjoy and that would last more than 10 seconds. I came up with the idea of freezing chicken bone broth. It’s inexpensive, safe and it takes him a few minutes to get through one. Below is how to make them. We call them Puppy Pops.

Oliver Sprout & Free Potty Training Puppy Chart

Supplies for Puppy Popcycles

How to Potty Train a Dog to Use a Bell & How to Make One!

Oliver’s Normal Diet

In order to keep Oliver healthy, we made sure to feed him a high-quality grain-free diet.  He NEVER gets table scraps and only minimal safe treats. You can grab  Free Safe Treat Pritnable Here. Dogs do best if their diet is not changed unless needed.  This is the food he has been on for years.                                                                                 Diamond Natural Grain Free 


NOTE: Each dog is different. This is what we did for Oliver but make sure to check with your vet and read the ingredients of anything you give your pup to be safe!

One treat he loves is frozen carrots! Plus they last a while and are super low in calories. Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

Oliver Before & After

This is Oliver after 3 months. The only change we made was to feed him 2/3rds the amount we were normally feeding him. He still got his frozen carrot treat a day and 2 of the frozen pup pops.  We did not do anything else, just lowered his food intake a little bit and made sure he never got other food.  The vet said he should lose 1 to 2 lbs a month approximately. He’s got much more energy now!

How to Make Easy Low Calorie Dog Treats 15

Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

Instructions for Pup Pops

You will need some ice cube trays. I wanted a larger size and silicone to make it easy to remove the cubes after they are frozen.Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

As you can see one cup is only 40 calories. That means each treat is less than 10 calories depending on how big you make them!
Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

I fill these large trays a little over half way.
Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

one 32 oz of bone broth will fill two trays.
Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

Place in the freezer overnight.
Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

Remove the trays the next day.
Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

You can run water over the back of them for a few seconds then twist them to pop the cubes out.
Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

The cubes can be placed in a freeze safe Tupperware container or a freeze ziplock bag.
Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

Place them back in the freezer.
Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

Oliver LOVES these! It takes him a few short mintues to eat one. Some dogs will take longer.
Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!

He tends to put it on this rug so it won’t slip while he’s eating it. I just wash the rug ever week. Ü
Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!


Looking for inexpensive low-calorie dog treats to make that can also last more than a few seconds? Check out our super easy puppy pops!