One Ingredient Toenail Fungus Cure

Get rid of icky toenail fungus with our one ingredient toenail fungus cure! We've got a bonus free sachet pattern you can make to keep your shoes fresh.The technical term is Onychomycosis but we know it as <deep voice> TOENAIL FUNGUS <end deep voice> and we’ve got a one ingredient toe fungus cure that works. I know because I’ve used it myself.  Toenail fungus ( and yes, your fingernails can get it too)  is common and can be embarrassing,  especially if you like to wear sandals or go barefoot. It Get rid of icky toenail fungus with our one ingredient toenail fungus cure! We've got a bonus free sachet pattern you can make to keep your shoes fresh.makes your nails thick, brittle, crack and eventually pull away from the toe. I know… gross. Some people seem to be susceptible to it more so than others. There are a variety of causes but it mainly  needs dark damp areas to grow. It’s also contagious so it can be picked up at places like the pool or gym showers. It will also spread from one toe to another so it’s best to clear it up fast.

You can go to a foot doctor and get a shot or a prescription or special cream to clear it up. To my knowledge it does not heal it any faster. It just takes a while to get rid of it and have a new nail grow back.  If  going to a doctor is not an option for you or you want to handle the situation more naturally, Tea Tree oil should do the trick.  NOTE: There can be occasions where it is so serious or something else is involved so then it’s best to see your doctor. Left untreated, the nail will eventually fall off and grow again with more fungus over and over again. Once you’ve got your toes fungus free you can make you some Fancy DIY Flip Flops to show off your toes! Also, check out our quick and easy “Get Rid of Smelly Shoes with Quick DIY Sachets

Toenail Fungus Cure Supplies

  • Tea Tree Oil  (Medicinal name: Melaleuca Oil) There are many brands, ones like DoTerra being the highest grade and most expensive.  This one has worked to heal toenail fungus. You MUST use a high grade.
  • Nail Clippers This type is the best for helping get rid of the dead nail parts as they loosen.
  • Band-Aids (optional)


Get rid of icky toenail fungus with our one ingredient toenail fungus cure! We've got a bonus free sachet pattern you can make to keep your shoes fresh.Honestly, the best way to prevent it is to keep your feet clean and dry as much as possible. Going barefoot at home on a regular basis can help. (You might want to check out our post Why Barefoot is Best.)  Also, keep your nails trimmed. That gives it less room to grow.


  • Morning and night drop 1 to 2 drops of Tea Tree Oil onto the nail with fungus, just enough to cover the nail.  You can’t use too much but all you need to do is get the nail covered and have the oil seep down into the sides. At night you can put on a loose Band-Aid around the toe if you’re concerned about oil on the sheets. But it should absorb into the nail quickly. You can do it mid-day also if you like.  You can’t do it too much.

  • Cut off any dead nail that has pulled away, and keep doing so as the days go by. If you have a small amount of fungus or catch it early, only the part with the fungus will come away from the nail bed. Clip it off as it does. Depending on how bad it is the entire nail may come off. Don’t freak out! This is normal.
  • Keep your feet clean and dry. Go barefoot at home if you can or wear sandals or flip flops.
  • DO NOT put polish over a nail with fungus. It needs to get air.

I KNOW THIS IS GROSS!!!! But it’s what an untreated toenail fungus can look like. Eventually the entire nail has pulled away…you can see some new growth at the base but it also has fungus. Luckily you can start treatment right away!  The nail comes off when you are treating it also, but nice clean growth comes back.

Get rid of icky toenail fungus with our one ingredient toenail fungus cure! We've got a bonus free sachet pattern you can make to keep your shoes fresh.

Healing Process

Now long does it take to heal your nail: Typically, 3 months. Mine took exactly that long and I’ve read others say the same thing. Why so long you ask?  Because you have to get rid of the old nail or at least the part with fungus, kill the fungus, and then regrow a new fresh nail.  Also, you won’t see a change fast. I keep using it until no sign of fungus is left, which takes quite a while.

Get rid of smelly shoes with these super easy and quick to make No-Sew DIY Sachets. We added a bit of bling to ours and they turned out awesome!

Other Treatments

I’ve read about many other natural treatments that they say have worked.  But I chose Tea Tree oil specifically because it’s an antiviral, a fungicide and an antibacterial. It’s one of the only things that will kill the MRSA virus. (See our post with photos on How to Kill MRSA)  It is incredible powerful essential oil and can heal a multitude of things.

Get rid of icky toenail fungus with our one ingredient toenail fungus cure! We've got a bonus free sachet pattern you can make to keep your shoes fresh.




  1. debi moore

    My podiatrist gave me a prescription ($918.00 mo.) thank god for insurance but told me that VICKS vapo rub applied to the nail daily works just as well! I haven’t tried yet but he should know his business!

  2. Patty

    Your toenails look so pretty now. I have a friend that has reduring fungus and I’m going to tell him about this. Thanks so much for sharing.


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