Easy Stylish Pull Out Drawers Made From Dollar Store Baskets


If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets! I’ve made this type of “drawer” many times and they are inexpensive and fun to make! They can be used in a variety of situations. I’ve done these many times in our homes such as in our Magical Dark Sea Bathroom Makeover where the bottom cupboards of the sink were deep and hard to get to. On the bathroom post, you can see how I made a drawer from a box complete with a handle. I also used basic longer baskets.  You might also want to check out our Inexpensive Herb Closet Makeover where we took a small coat closet we remade into a “herb closet” using LOTS of dollar store baskets etc!

Another  Easy DIY Drawer made from a box!


It’s possible you already have everything you need!

  • Baskets to fit your measurements. We happened to have the perfect size that was purchased at a Dollar Store.
  • Ribbon for the handle. (We used 2″ burlap ribbon) You only need a few inches.
  • Fake flowers etc Decorate your drawer pull however you want.
  • Hot glue gun


Woven basket. I already had a woven bin with lid. It was similar to this one.

Mouse Bookend, cast iron. (It was actually a doorstop but worked perfect for books!)

Planter box (I already had this)

Motivational Cards I LOVE these things and have several different sets.

Flower Tea Light Holder (Not the same but similar)

Books Shown:  The Road Less Traveled   Letting Go   Wild Flowers Workbook    Color Me Calm   The Way We Garden Now  Me & Myself a Love Story (My daughter wrote and illustrated this)





We purchased a small coffee table. (Its not available anymore or I would link to it)If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

The small doors opened but I wanted to be able to put more things in one of them and easily get them out. I measured the inside of the opening.
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

It just so happened I had a basket I’d purchased from a dollar store a long time ago that was the perfect size!
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

I grabbed some ribbon and flower items I already had to use for the “handle”
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

About 6″ of ribbon was cut off.
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

We glued the ends together to form a loop.
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

This is the handle.
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

I used some artificial foliage I already had and glued it to the top of the pull to cover it and also as decor.
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

I then glued a flower in the middle.
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

It’s ready to be attached!0
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

I glued the top back of the ribbon loop to the basket.
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

Make sure to use enough glue to make it sturdy.
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

I decorated my small coffee table the way I wanted it.
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

Top view. Several of these items are linked under supplies above including the book on top which my daughter wrote and illustrated.If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

This is the back side of the coffee table.
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

I only wanted one of the cubbies to have a pull out drawer. If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

Very easy to access items!
If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!

If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!


If you have any small cubby nooks that you wish were easier to access check out our easy stylish pull-out drawers made from dollar store baskets!