Casual Resolutions Goal Setting Kit 2022 : Stress-Free New Year’s Resolutions

Looking for stress free New Year's Resolutions? Download our popular FREE 21 page Casual Resolutions Kit for 2022! We make goals fun!

It’s YEAR 7 OF OUR CASUAL RESOLUTIONS GOAL SETTING KIT!  (AKA Stress-Free New Year’s Resolutions!) Every year it’s updated with a new look, new ideas, quotes and inspirations.  Last year has been a trying one for many of us so we need hope, encouragement and happiness more than ever! This little kit helps you set goals without creating a sense of stress or urgency.  One thing we most definitely do not need another “list” of stuff to try and get done.

We need to do things that inspire us to joyfully make positive choices in a way that helps us be successful. Even if you decide to do something and don’t do, there’s  no guilt allowed!  Life is ever changing as are our needs and capabilities. We need to do what we can and forget about the rest. It’s all good.  If you’d like a couple more New Year’s ideas  check out our New Year’s Spicy Black-Eyed Peas A Delicious Bit of  Luck and our Burning Bowl Ceremony!


Start the New Year Fresh with a Burning Bowl Ceremony!

How It Works

It’s simple! The kit has everything you need to get you going on your stress-free New Year’s Resolutions goal setting!

  1. Download the free pdf kit below then print out the pages you need. (Some pages you will want more than one of.)
  2. Punch holes in the appropriate pages and place them in a binder or folder.
  3. Pages such as the quotes or calendar can be placed on your fridge or wall or where you will see them. Now for the fun part!
  4. Sit down with your kit and a pencil or pen and choose all the items you would like to do in 2022!

Remember, feel good about what you do accomplish and let the rest go because there’s always next year!  Also, feel free to change goals or add more when needed throughout the year.

Extra Supplies

Casual Resolutions Kit Download

This 21 page kit is all you need to get you started on a new year of hope and joy. Print it out and punch holes in some pages and place them in a thin binder. You can also stick the calendar and quote on your fridge or wherever you like.  Feel free to change goals or add more when needed.

Try to download the file from a computer. Occasionally, when doing so on a cell phone it will not work.  We are trying to correct the problem.

21 Pages :: 200 Ideas : : Objective Planner : : Goal & Calendar Page :: Quotes: Extra Link Helps
Looking for stress free New Year's Resolutions? Download our popular FREE 21 page Casual Resolutions Kit for 2022! We make goals fun!

Kit Also Comes with Extra Optional Pages for the Scavenger Hunt, Pig Latin Ideas, Say Hello and Thank You in Other Languages, and Write a Letter to Yourself. Looking for stress free New Year's Resolutions? Download our popular FREE 21 page Casual Resolutions Kit for 2022! We make goals fun!


The main inspirational quote for this year is: “Once in a lifetime you meet someone who changes everything. That someone is you.”  There are three versions of it for framing or placing on a binder.

The kit has two sizes of printable quotes to frame and hang.  (5×7 and 8×10)
Looking for stress free New Year's Resolutions? Download our popular FREE 21 page Casual Resolutions Kit for 2022! We make goals fun!

Instructions For New Years Resolution Ideas

  • Download and print out the free Casual Resolutions kit. You can punch holes in many and place in a binder. You can hang pages such as the calendar and quote where you can see them.
  • Decide what you would like to work on. Use the included idea list to help you out! If there’s an asterisk (*) next to an item make sure to find it on the Link Idea page and click on it!
  • Write down things on your calendar that you would enjoy doing. Choose things you will look forward to and truly want to do or learn.
  • Use the Objective Planner sheet to formulate your ideas and plan for your goals. You can use one sheet per goal.
  • Have fun! This is about the journey and enjoying it. Add or remove items from your list if desired as you go through the year.


Many binders have  a slide in pocket on the front where you can place on of the quotes!
Looking for stress free New Year's Resolutions? Download our popular FREE 21 page Casual Resolutions Kit for 2022! We make goals fun!Frame psd created by jcomp

Looking for stress free New Year's Resolutions? Download our popular FREE 21 page Casual Resolutions Kit for 2022! We make goals fun!

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