Leading a Happy and More Contented Life

Leading a happy and more contented life typically comes down to a few basic concepts. We'll share a few of them here to help spark a more joyful life!

Not only are we beginning a proper new year, but we’re turning the page to a new decade also!  The upcoming ten years could hold all sorts of change in your life. Let’s do our utmost to make sure that this change is positive and that we are in a good place to deal with any troubles or problems that may arise. There are plenty of changes you can implement in your life to make it feel better and more well-rounded, so creating a short list can be pretty difficult. But we’re here to help you along the way. Here are just a few steps you can take to try out the path to a more positive and happier existence in the upcoming twelve months!

Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude!

It’s been proven that being grateful plays a huge part in our mental attitude. If you’re feeling glum or have a negative outlook you’re simply going to focus on the negative and manifest an unhappy existence. Now we also understand that pessimism can be an in-built trait cause by conditioning.  We are born optimists but depending on our environment and personal fortitude we can “learn” to only see and focus on the negative.  But this can be overcome with a little mental work. But if you are a natural leaner towards pessimism, you just need to counteract your instinctive reactions to things. If something doesn’t go as you hoped it would, try to see it as an opportunity to grow. If something goes wrong, it could be a blessing in disguise, guiding you on a path of learning and personal development. Do your utmost to tackle any pessimistic thoughts you may encounter. Try to see the best in things. Your life will improve for it! Mindfulness and meditation is a great way to clear your thinking patterns and start practicing new ones.

Here is one fun idea to help you find more reasons to be grateful! Encouraging Thankfulness with Gratitude Stones

Reduce Your Stress Levels

Controlling stress can be difficult. Some of us find ourselves in stress-inducing situations on a day to day basis. Again, how we view what goes on in our life is a matter of conditioning and thought processes. So you do NOT need to live a life that is stressful. If you have ongoing feelings of worry, doubt, or panic with no apparent cause, consult a doctor as you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. But there are many things you can do on our own to help.  You can also try natural stress reducers, like lavender, chamomile tea, or if you’re so inclined, even visiting a dispensary might be effective and in your interest. The point is, to find something that does the trick for you.  Massage and spa days can help too! If you need help getting rid of negative thoughts check out our post Tips to Stop Negative Thoughts  in Their Tracks!  It’s filled with many ideas that can help you get back on track.

Be Productive

Being productive leads to progression and improvement. Seeing progression and improvement helps us to feel that whatever it is that we’re doing is worthwhile. So, whatever you want to see move forward in your life, put some effort into being productive around it. If you want to progress in your career, work hard and show you deserve a promotion or a pay rise. If you don’t get it, consider moving forward with a new job! If you want to see progression in your relationship, take time and effort to nurture it. If you want to improve a hobby or skill, dedicate a set amount of time to working on it. In most cases, you’ll see the results you want. Just be productive and give it a little time!  Every year we post a new Casual Resolutions Kit as a free download to help you make changes and achieve meaningful goals without added stress. Check out our new one for 2020. FYI you can use it anytime during the year!

Casual Resolutions Kit Take the Stress Out of Setting Goals

It's 2020 and goal setting has never been easier! This is our 5th edition of our free & popular Casual Resolutions Kit with new ideas, theme and quotations!

As you can see, leading a happier and more contented life will take some action on your part but you will see a difference utilizing even small things to start. Desire is the key. You can have a more fulfilling happier life.  We’re cheering for you!

Leading a happy and more contented life typically comes down to a few basic concepts. We'll share a few of them here to help spark a more joyful life!

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