A new year is coming up which means it’s time for some goal setting. It also means it’s time for a newly updated version of our popular Casual Resolutions Kit! This is all about doing resolutions the fun way and taking the stress off that some of us place on ourselves if we don’t complete some of our choices. It’s a perspective changer. The New Year brings with it all new possibilities and goals you set should be one’s that uplift and inspire you, rather than another “list” of things you have to try and get done, then feel guilty if you don’t.
This fun kit has all you need to get you going on your goal setting. You can punch holes in the appropriate pages and place them in a thin binder or put it in a colorful folder. You can also stick the calendar on the fridge or wherever you like.
Our kit has printables to keep your goals fun and stress free! Now listen closely as this is the important part: The list you make are things you’d like to accomplish during the year, but if you don’t… no big deal. Feel good about what you do accomplish and let the rest go, because there’s always next year! Like most things in life, it’s all in how you view it. Also, feel free to change goals or add more when needed. Remove one’s you decide aren’t what you really want. Keep it stress-free! So, enjoy the new year, learn some new stuff but most of all, have fun!
Our Motivational Quote Kit with ten free quotes and a DIY display stand DIY might be fun to make for added inspiration.
Goal Setting Extras
- Pink Binder
- Yellow Binder
- White Binder
- Pocket Folders with Fasteners
- A matching Pink or Yellow pen makes the kit extra nice.
Instructions For New Years Resolution Ideas
Great Resolution Ideas From a Dog Plaque Download and print out the kit. You can hang the pages on the fridge or place them in a binder with your other sheets.
- Decide what you would like to work on. Use our Idea list if you need some inspiration.
- Write down things on your calendar that you would enjoy doing. Remember, don’t make this a guilt list filled with things you “should do”. Choose things you will look forward to and truly want to do to learn, grow or just have a good time with.
- Use the Objective Planner sheet to formulate your ideas and plan for your goals. You can use one sheet per goal.
- Have fun! This is about the journey and enjoying it. Add or remove items from your list if desired as you go through the year.
Here’s to a wonderful new year full of promise!
Casual Resolutions Kit Download
You can put them in a binder or keep them loose. Some like putting the calendar goal list on a wall or fridge where they can see it.
I love this! I was trying to create on my own, but this is so pleasant to look at and makes me want to do THIS!
Thank you!
You’re so welcome Lisa. Always happy to inspire!