In this article I share the unique story of how we found our newest family member Oliver Sprout. There’s also a free potty training puppy chart you can print out to help keep track of your own puppy’s schedule! Plus you can also read how to make darling 5 Minute Puppy Dog Bow Ties like the one Oliver is sporting! Don’t forget to make your little one his own Personalized Dog Bowls!
How to Make Easy Low Calorie Dog Treats!
Time for a Dog
We’ve always had a dog in the house for most of our 37 years of marriage, but when we lost our last dog Maggie, I took a break. I started feeling a strong need for another dog a while back and it finally felt like the time was right. I asked my husband Roy to pick it out without me. I know that’s a bit odd but Roy is incredibly intuitive and I knew he would be led to the perfect dog for us and I didn’t want my funky vibes messing things up. I told him to just use his intuition and that’s all that mattered. Breed, age, size was of little importance. Within a week of my decision he had looked at a few dogs but none were “our” dog. Then on Saturday August 13th a friend told me that the Humane Society was set up at the local Petco.
Off to Petco
I told Roy about Petco and off he went. He told me he walked into the store and there were lots of puppies in crates. He looked at them all and noticed there was one in a cage by itself that was just sitting there staring directly at him while all the others were doing their own puppy thing and ignoring him. All of a sudden there was some loud noise in the store and the dogs started barking and going crazy. All except that one pup who just sat there not making a peep, staring at Roy. Roy went over to it and stuck his finger in the cage and the little guy nuzzled up against him. He took him out and within a few minutes knew this was our dog.
Roy called me from Petco and said “I found our dog but I’m not going to send you a picture”. He wanted me to be surprised. The little pup slept on his lap the entire way home. He called me when he got near the house and I went out to greet him and took the little ball of fur and it was love at first sight. We brought him inside and our 10 year old granddaughter Alyssa was there at the time. After a minute or two she said “He looks like an Oliver.” I said “Well I’ll be… he does look like an Oliver.” Now the Humane Society had given him a temporary name of “Sprout and that seemed likewise fitting so we named him Oliver Sprout.
The gal at the store also told Roy how they got the pup. Someone saw this little bitty thing walking out of a field all by himself somewhere in town. Good person that they were, they picked him up and brought him to the Humane Society. I thought maybe that’s where the name Sprout came from… because he came out of a field and he was so tiny.
A Special Dog

Oliver is a calm loving little guy who likes to snuggle and is very playful as most puppies are. He’s taken a particular attachment to Roy and Roy to him.
When I went to bed that night I let Oliver lay by me for a few minutes which he did as calmly as can be. Roy came in to get him to take him out with him and another interesting thing happened.
Now, Roy has a connection with animals in general and all of them are drawn to him, but he’s never been over the top with them. He’s not been one to kiss them and he doesn’t care to be licked. When he picked up this little pup, he kissed him on the top of the head, and went out. That was when I really knew this was a special dog. As kind and loving as Roy is to animals, I’ve never seen him kiss any of them including our past pets.
Roy with Oliver the day he brought him home.
Just Maybe…
I told Roy the next day I think Oliver Sprout walked out of that field looking for us and was waiting for Roy to come into Petco, that’s why he was sitting there so calming looking at him when he came in. That’s what I choose to believe anyway. One thing is for sure, Roy and I and Oliver’s life just became much richer.
Humane Society Etc.
Please, if you’re looking for a new family member, go to your local Humane Society or shelters. Change the life of a pet that was unloved or needs a new caring home and change your own life at the same time.
Potty Training Puppy Chart
Oh my goodness! Oliver Sprout is just the cutest thing EVER!
Thank you Diana. We’re pretty attached to him. Ü
He’s gorgeous and I believe you’re right he knew Roy would come if he was patient.
So glad the 3 of you have each other, between you all you’ll fill the gaps that happen
when sad/bad things happen. Though I also know you’ll all 3 do your best to protect each
other from any more such events.
Thinking good thoughts for you all.
Thank you Lucy. I always very much enjoy your thoughts.
What an amazing story!!! So glad you guys found a new member of your family!
Thanks Julie. He’s definitely completed our family.Ü
He is adorable. What a sweet story!
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