Cure Smelly Feet Naturally! DIY Foot & Shoe Spray

Cure smelly feet naturally using our powerful recipe for foot and shoe spray! Plus we show you how to make simple sachets using tea bags you can place in your shoes until you wear them again. blank630x20Let’s be honest… when you keep skin in a dark damp place stuff’s gonna start to smell bad. We’ve got some natural spray to cure smelly feet that will not only help keep your feet fresh and free of fungus but it also doubles as a shoe spray. Plus we’ll show you how to make the niftiest little sachets from tea bags to keep in your shoes when you’re not wearing them! We also have a different type of larger foot sachet you can make from a sock. Check it out here: Get Rid of Smelly Shoes.

Have problems with toenail fungus? Check out our One Ingredient Toenail Fungus Cure!

Smell My FeetSupplies to Cure Smelly Feet

 Foot & Shoe Spray

Tea Bag Sachets



Fill the spray bottle with 1 oz. apple cider vinegar and 1 oz. rubbing alcohol. (the mixture is 1 to 1) Add in 4 drops tea tree oil.

Spray your feet morning and night or whenever you desire and lightly spray the insides of your shoes after taking them off.

Cure smelly feet naturally using our powerful recipe for foot and shoe spray! Plus we show you how to make simple sachets using tea bags you can place in your shoes until you wear them again. blank630x20

Cure smelly feet naturally using our powerful recipe for foot and shoe spray! Plus we show you how to make simple sachets using tea bags you can place in your shoes until you wear them again. blank630x20


  1. In a small bowl add 1/4 c baking soda. Add 2 or 3 drops Tea Tree oil into it and mix well.
  2. Shake down the tea and cut a thin slice off the top of the bag.
  3. Scoop in 1 to 2 tsp of the baking soda mixture in with the tea.
  4. Fold the top of the bag over and glue.
  5. You can glue on a ribbon if desired to make it pretty.

Cure smelly feet naturally using our powerful recipe for foot and shoe spray! Plus we show you how to make simple sachets using tea bags you can place in your shoes until you wear them again. blank630x20Cure smelly feet naturally using our powerful recipe for foot and shoe spray! Plus we show you how to make simple sachets using tea bags you can place in your shoes until you wear them again. blank630x20blank630x20

Cure smelly feet naturally using our powerful recipe for foot and shoe spray! Plus we show you how to make simple sachets using tea bags you can place in your shoes until you wear them again.



If you want to make an awesome gift kit from these items click below!

Cure smelly feet naturally using our powerful recipe for foot and shoe spray! Plus we show you how to make simple sachets using tea bags you can place in your shoes until you wear them again.


    1. Nancy Author

      Not sure Susan. They would not last forever but I’d replace them after the smell is gone or probably every couple of months. Just depends on the shoes. Ü

  1. Greg S.

    I’m wondering why apple cider vinegar is recommended as opposed to distilled vinegar. I don’t really use distilled vinegar for food but I used it for cleaning, etc.


  2. Lillian Tirado

    HHi my name is Lillian! I was looking in Pinterest for something to use and came to your
    page which I absolutely Love! The sole of my feet looks okay, but feels maybe sweaty kind of ssticky and my sandals have a funky smell. Do not know what is going on! Please advice me on what to do!!

  3. Verity

    Is it possible to still make this without the rubbing alcohol or witch hazel coz i have neither but do have the cider vinegar n distlled water?

  4. Gemma

    These look great & funny but practical gifts too! The tea bag recipe mentions peppermint but doesn’t seem to be included in the instructions. Is it peppermint essence?

    1. Nancy Author

      lol! Good idea! Check out the poem that goes with it on the link at the bottom of the post. It’s pretty hilarious. Might fit the situation and make them laugh! Ü

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