Foods that Boost the Immune System

There are many foods that boost the immune system. Learn about four you may or may not have known about, that be help protect you from disease.

Our immune system is made up of cells, tissues, organs, and proteins, and they work all together to keep our body running as it should, and helps to fight off pathogens. These pathogens are the viruses and bacteria that can cause disease and infections, and at this time of year, are much more rife. When our immune system does come into contact with a pathogen, then it can mean a response in the system. This is all about then having your immune system releases some antibodies, which then finds a pathogen that can then kill it. But if your immune system isn’t working correctly, then it means that your body can’t fight the virus or bacteria very well. So being able to boost your immune system does make a massive difference to how well you are feeling over the winter season. It is essential for all of the family!

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With all that in mind, here are some of the foods that you need to be introducing into your diet, to help to boost your immune system.


Blueberries are a superfood, and they contain something called anthocyanin, which means that the food has a lot of antioxidant properties, which is a really important way to boost an immune system. There have also been studies that have found that the flavonoid anthocyanin can play a really vital part in the immunity of the respiratory tract. So blueberries are a great addition to the diet, whether in juice form, raw fruit, or blended into a smoothie.

There are many foods that boost the immune system. Learn about four you may or may not have known about, that be help protect you from disease.


Turmeric is something that is a spice, yellow in color, that most people will use in cooking and in curries. But it also has some medicinal properties. So if you are looking to have a boost in your immune system, then adding some into your diet is a great idea. It can be stirred into tea or herbal tea, as well as sprinkling on food, or using in your cooking. Turmeric also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

There are many foods that boost the immune system. Learn about four you may or may not have known about, that be help protect you from disease.


There is a lot of evidence to support the fact that elderberries, and things like organic elderberry syrup can help to treat things like cold and flu. There was a study back in 2010 that found that elderberries have some antioxidant and antiviral effects, which is great news for immunity. In another study using elderberries and elderberry syrup found that fever, headache, aching muscles, and nasal congestion were improved. Again, this shows how it can be used to boost your immune system.

There are many foods that boost the immune system. Learn about four you may or may not have known about, that be help protect you from disease.


Kefir, if you’ve not heard of it before, is a fermented drink that, as a result of the fermentation, contains live cultures or bacteria, meaning that they are really beneficial for health. Boosting your gut is such a good thing, as it can help with fighting bacteria and reducing inflammation. There are other fermented products that are good for you too, as the fermentation does wonders for your gut. Foods like sauerkraut, Quark, and kimchi are also good to include in your diet over winter.

There are many foods that boost the immune system. Learn about four you may or may not have known about, that be help protect you from disease.

There are many foods that boost the immune system. Learn about four you may or may not have known about, that be help protect you from disease.


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