Before & After Modern Geometric Painted Dining Table

Don't throw away that old furniture! All you need is a little paint and you've got a Modern Geometric Painted Dining Table! Amazing transformation isn't it?

Don’t throw away that old furniture! All you need is a little paint and, in this case, you’ve got a Modern Geometric painted dining table. Pretty amazing transformation isn’t it? This is part of our “Buff Your Stuff” series whose sole purpose is to inspire you to transform old things into new! Or even new things into different things! The key word here is “transformation”. And boy did we accomplish that in this case. So look at all the photos below and get inspired! This project was completed by our daughter Amy whose home is a masterpiece filled with before and afters! Check out some of her other spectacular ideas such as How to Turn a Working Console TV into a Piece of Art , DIY Cash Statement Piece Wall Decoration Idea and Refurbishing Furniture with Modern Colors.

Painted Dining Table Photos

This is the table as it was purchased from a thrift store.

Don't throw away that old furniture! All you need is a little paint and you've got a Modern Geometric Painted Dining Table! Amazing transformation isn't it?

First thing we did was add some yellow to the metal bottoms. Don't throw away that old furniture! All you need is a little paint and you've got a Modern Geometric Painted Dining Table! Amazing transformation isn't it?

Don't throw away that old furniture! All you need is a little paint and you've got a Modern Geometric Painted Dining Table! Amazing transformation isn't it?

Next we painted the legs and edges of the table black. Then the side boards teal. The triangles you see are cut from black Washi tape and stuck on. Done!Don't throw away that old furniture! All you need is a little paint and you've got a Modern Geometric Painted Dining Table! Amazing transformation isn't it?

The two chairs were purchased from Hobby Lobby. They are very sturdy, just make sure to buy them on sale. Everything at Hobby Lobby rotates on sale. Plus every week there’s a 40% off printable coupon on one item!  You’ll see it at the top of their site here. Don't throw away that old furniture! All you need is a little paint and you've got a Modern Geometric Painted Dining Table! Amazing transformation isn't it?

Just a quick before of the dining room area. Don't throw away that old furniture! All you need is a little paint and you've got a Modern Geometric Painted Dining Table! Amazing transformation isn't it?

And an after photo complete with wall decor.  The pug painting was also purchased at Hobby Lobby.Don't throw away that old furniture! All you need is a little paint and you've got a Modern Geometric Painted Dining Table! Amazing transformation isn't it?

This shows our first attempt at using thrift store chairs. It was a FAIL. ÜDon't throw away that old furniture! All you need is a little paint and you've got a Modern Geometric Painted Dining Table! Amazing transformation isn't it?Don't throw away that old furniture! All you need is a little paint and you've got a Modern Geometric Painted Dining Table! Amazing transformation isn't it?



  1. Nancy J. Hill

    What a cheerful place to eat! Not everyone would go for the “modern” look, but It is probably perfect for Amy & her family… Good job, Amy! By the way, I like the new yellow chairs better than the others, even though it was a shame to have done all that work for nothing!

  2. Christie W.

    Nancy, great idea. Hey maybe for the chairs that didn’t turn out you can remove the paint off the cushions or you can maybe cover them with cloth or someother type of fabric. Or hey why not try that tape stuff. love all your families creations.

    1. Nancy Author

      Thanks Christie. Amy is hte one who painted those. I’m not sure what she ended up doing with them. I think they are in her storage room. They were SO pretty too it was a shame. I’m guessing it was the wrong type of paint. Or maybe you just can’t paint that type of surface who knows. Thanks for the kind words though!


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