We make our own easy safe natural inhaler for stuffy noses! Chemical nose sprays can damage your body if used too much. Doctors will tell you that nasal spray will also eventually create more stuffiness that is hard to get rid. This WebMD article “Are You Overusing Nasal Spray?” explains that. There are a couple of specific natural essential oils that work wonders to clear the occasional stuffy nose! You can use a single oil or two for the best results.
NOTE ON BRANDS OF OIL: There are many brands of oils out there. Most are good for aromatherapy. However, synthetic oil should NEVER be used internally or topically if you can help it. There are not a lot of companies left that produce natural pure oil and they are more expensive due to the cost of producing them. But in this case, you definitely get what you pay for. The #1 company on our list of natural oils is Doterra. (I do not sell it) Mountain Rose Herbs would be next. (Some other big companies that originally sold natural oils have gone synthetic as its more profitable.)
There are a variety of tubes you can buy as seen here. The ones we used are linked below. You can use JUST Peppermint or JUST Eucalyptus oil or both. (Our favorite is the eucalyptus.) We also used Doterra Breathe because we happened to already have it.
- Nasal Inhaler Tubes
- Peppermint Essential Oil (This is Doterra brand but any natural brand will work.)
- Eucalyptus Essential Oil (This is another Doterra brand but any natural brand will work.)
- Breathe Essential Oil (This is a specific Doterra oil that is a blend. We only used this just because we had it. It’s not necessary as it also has eucalyptus oil in it.)
I used nose spray for YEARS regularly. The more I used it the more I needed it and the less it worked. Once I learned about the problems with it and had a doctor reiterate that to me I looked for an alternative.
I used all three because I had them. Any one of these will work though I prefer Eucalyptus myself. The oil Breathe made by Doterra is a mixture of oils including eucalyptus. I used it because I had it.
I purchased a set of inexpensive plastic nasal inhalers with inserts on Amazon.
This is the inhaler taken apart. The gauze inserts are replaceable.
The top unscrews.
This part is placed into the nose for inhaling.
To add the oils unscrew the bottom of the inhaler to remove the wick.
Remove the wick and place drops of the oils of your choice along the sides of it. We used 4 to 8 drops of each.
Place the wick back into the inhaler and put the bottom back on.
Insert the inhaler into one nostril about 1/2″or a little more. Hold the other nostril shut and inhale deeply a few times.