DIY Plastic Cup Christmas Tree Decor Farmhouse Style

Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

If you’re looking for a simple, inexpensive DIY holiday craft for you or the kids this one is perfect! Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store! We made ours farmhouse style but feel free to decorate them however you wish. Older kids and adults can make them look quite classy. The ideas are endless. Even younger kids can join in and make their very own Christmas tree(s). All you need is some paint, glue and possibly a small dowel if you use the bottom of the cup. But that’s entirely up to you.

Don’t forget to check out our entire Christmas craft and DIY section. I guarantee we have some things you’ve never seen!  Such as our Peace Dove Gift Ornament & Poem, our Pocket Mistletoe DIY For Quick Kisses! and How to Make a Small Burlap Christmas Tree Using Hangers. You can also learn How to Make Poinsettia Lights Using Twinkle Lights & Tissue Paper. And that’s just a few of our many great ideas! One of  our most popular items is our Christmas Spider seen below!

The Christmas Spider DIY : Free Poem Printable



NOTE: You can paint these whatever colors you choose and decorate them however you wish. Below are the general items we used. For the gold branches on top, we cut pieces off some old holiday greenery we had.) Also, you don’t have to use the cup base unless desired. Which means you won’t need a dowel. You can just set the trees flat on any surface and they still look great!




Gather up the supplies you will be using. We only purchased the cups as we had everything else on hand.

Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

The cups used are called “Champagne Flutes” with removable bottoms. We got ours at Dollar Tree.

Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

Spray paint our cups.Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

If you decide to use the removable bottoms, paint them also. The trees can also sit directly on a surface!Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

We used the ends of paint brushes to make dots on the cups.Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

Decorate your trees however you want.Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

Paint on any other things desired.Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

We used some gold holiday foliage for the top of our trees. Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

Your cups may be a bit different than ours.Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

If you choose to use the bases you will need dowels to hold the tree portion in place.Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

Cut them various sizes to make your trees different levels. Measure carefully.Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

We tested using a long glue stick to hold our trees up. It will work if tapered with scissors to fit but it is a bit bendy.Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

Put some glue into the base and stick your dowel inside.Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

Place a bit of glue on top of the dowels to hold the tree in place.Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

Quickly place your tree on top of the glued dowel and hold in a straight position till the hot glue dries.Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!

Hot glue any items you want on the top of your tree.

Remember, the bases are optional. These trees would look nice sitting on a flat surface.


Looking for a simple DIY holiday craft? Make these plastic cup Christmas tree tabletop decor with champaign flutes from the dollar store!


  1. Drake Frost

    Original ideas for New Year’s decor. Now on the Internet, there are a lot of options for decorating a house for Christmas and New Year. My wife doesn’t surf the internet. What I like most is that there are many ideas you can do with your kids. It will turn out to be a fun and rewarding pastime. Tell me if you have ideas for decorating only inside the house or there are articles on the decor of the facade. I noticed that many of my neighbors have new garlands, someone even puts a snow cannon to force the snow onto their lawn. I don’t know how rational it is. Underground irrigation is laid in my yard. I am afraid that the snow might clog it My friends from HVAC Contractors calmed me down, But I still decided that this year there will be pragmatists only with a natural snag.

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