Simply closing your eyes and picking a university isn’t going to bode well for the rest of your life and future career. Here are some tips to pick the right university or college that meets your needs!
Do Your Research
It’s important to start off your journey by doing some research. Think about what you want to do and what you’re after from a university. It could be the social aspects, or it might be it’s renowned courses that are the most appealing. Figure out what course of study you want to do and make sure the universities you pick have the right course.
Compare Their Reputations
Reputation is critical when it comes to a university because if it’s got a bad reputation, then it’s definitely one place you want to be avoiding. There’s certainly nothing gained from going somewhere that is known for bad grades or a bad student life experience. The University of Southern California, for instance, has good courses and a high popularity in how many students are enrolled onto the courses there. Check to see what the student happiness is like and what previous grades have been earnt there. Doing this background research and comparing them together will allow you to make a decision if you’re stuck between two.
Look At The Lifestyle
The lifestyle of a student at university can vary when it comes to different places. Some campuses may be smaller than others, and you may find ones are more buzzing than others. That’s why it’s important to go to Open Days and to get a feel for the atmosphere and what it’s like for the students there. Of course, you’re there to study, but if you’re moving to the campus or nearby, you want to ensure you’re happy and that you’re going to have fun. The social life of university is one that should be properly enjoyed and taken advantage of to the fullest. So when you’re there, speak to current students and get the low-down of what student life is like at that particular university. Again, every university is different, so be sure to ask the same questions at each one.
Move Away For The Better Experience
There’s one major decision that needs to be made when it comes to accepting your place at university. Do you want to move away and be immersed in student life, or would you rather stay at home? And for many who do go to university, there’s usually more who move away than stay at home. Moving away sounds like a daunting experience, but you just don’t get the same experience when you’re commuting to study but then living at home. You may do it for financial reasons, but it’s important that if the university is near your home, you make an effort to go and do the social side of university life too. However, try to pick a course that requires you to move if you can.
Picking the right university for you can be a lot of pressure because you don’t want to make the wrong choice, so take your time.