Do You Have an Addictive Personality?

When it comes to identifying an addictive personality, it’s vital that you keep an eye out for red flag traits that are common among people that are diagnosed with having some form of addiction. There are different types of additions such as substance addictions, drugs, alcohol, and behavioral addictions such as gaming, gambling or shopping. To be fair… most people have a bit of addictive personality. When something tastes, or feels good we tend to want it more. It’s only one’s that are harmful or life altering that are an issue. If you’re addicted to blueberries that won’t really harm you unless you REALLY overeat blueberries.   Having an addiction to drinking or smoking can of course have more dire results. An addiction to sugar can effect your health.

What is an addictive personality?

To start, let’s try and define what an addictive personality is. An addictive personality often means that someone has traits that make it easy for them to develop an addiction. For example, if someone is very impulsive and lives from minute to minute, then they’re more likely to make questionable decisions when offered something such as alcohol or even drugs. People with addictive personalities are also very prone to seek out unique sensations and experiences. They also tend to be rebellious against society, looking for ways to validate themselves while avoiding normal socially-valued goals. They might also have difficulty coping with stress and tend to alienate themselves socially.

Or course, these are generalizations that might not apply to everyone with an addictive personality, but it’s a good place to start. If you notice these traits in someone, then you may want to get in touch with a drug addiction rehab center or your physician for more information and advice on how to cope with the issue. If you personally feel that you possess one or more of these traits and have dabbled with addictive substances or hobbies in the past, then you may want to speak to a professional.

When should you take action?

These types of traits alone usually aren’t enough to warrant taking action. For example, those that experience heavy stress on a regular basis might find that having a sanctuary is enough to combat those negative thoughts and stray away from developing an addiction to cope with it. Others might find that their rebellious attitude is just their view on how to engage with society, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to start developing dangerous addictions just to stand out.

With that said, it’s still important to look out for red flags as an activity can quickly turn into an addictive trait if you’re not careful. The best time to take action would be when you start to notice that it’s causing you trouble with your life. Perhaps an addiction is putting you into financial trouble, or maybe others have noticed a change in your personality or habits.

These are the types of signs to look out for if you’re unsure when to take action. The idea is to look for changes in your behavior, as these are typically signs that you’re starting to become easily influenced by your addictions.

Some final words

It’s difficult to cope with an addiction and acceptance is often the hardest stage. However, with the right help and identifying these traits early on, you can stop yourself from developing an addiction before it has a chance to grow into something more dangerous. Never be afraid to speak out and make sure you keep an eye out for these addictive traits so you can take action before the addiction roots itself.


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