Unique & Simple Tissue Paper Flower Window Treatment Ideas

For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.This is one of the more clever ways to decorate a window that just had blinds on it. It’s gorgeous and can be a focal point for the room if desired! And all it takes is a few tissue paper flowers that are so simple to make, a 6 year old could do it. So yeah, its not only easy, its cost effective and the result is dramatic. I get excited just talking about it! I love unique decorating in my home so if you’d like more creative and inexpensive ways to decorate your home take a peek at our Darling Dollar Store Plastic Plate Kitchen Wall Decor, our DIY Cash Statement Piece Wall Decoration Idea and our Butterfly Dream Catcher with Special Meaning. And that’s just to name a few!

Window Treatment Ideas Flower Supplies

Leaf Pattern Download



To make the flowers, all you really need are three things. Tissue paper, string and scissors.
For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

NOTE ON STORE PURCHASED TISSUE FLOWERS: You CAN purchase the tissue flowers. They come like this. We bought some to test. You still have to do all the work of pulling the layers out. The biggest problem is they put WAY TOO MANY LAYERS of tissue paper. Much more than is needed and the flower ends up looking too crunched up. These have 10 sheets each. We took them apart and made two flowers  out of each one. You only really need 4 sheets per flower for the best look. These also cost a lot more. Considering all you’re doing is saving the time fanning the tissue paper, its much cheaper to just make them from scratch. Should you decide to buy this type, Amazon has a nice selection.
For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make. The sheets we used are 20″ x 26″. Use no more than 4 or 5 sheets.


LARGE FLOWERS: For flowers that are 10″ or larger you can fold over the 5 sheets FIRST before doing the accordion folding. These flowers need more bulk to them.

SMALLER FLOWERS: For say a 6″ flower, cut 8 sheets  6″ by about 10″ or 12″ long.  DO NOT do STEP 1. Start with doing the accordion folding and continue from there. It will only take a short time before you realize what size works best.

STEP #1 for flowers approximately 10″ or larger.

STEP # 2 Accordion foldFor simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Once you’ve finished the accordion fold bend the tissue paper in half. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Cut a piece of string long enough to tie around the center of your paper.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Tie it in a snug knot.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Mark a curve on each end for cutting. Some people like to do points.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Cut off inside the marker curve you made. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

However long your tissue paper is will be the size of your flower. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Pull the ends together. You can staple or tape them if desired. We’ve found that’s not necessary as once you start pulling up the petals they stay together.  For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Very carefully, so as not to tear the tissue, start pulling up one layer at a time. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Go around the flower doing this.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Once one layer is done, move to the next. Fluff them as you go.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Eventually you’ll get to the last layer.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

You’ll end up with a gorgeous flower!For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

These are the ones we made for my craft room. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

This was the window I was going to decorate with them. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.We placed them above my window using command strips cut in half.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

It’s a good idea to lay out your plan on paper before starting. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Print out the free leaf pattern.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Tape it to one or two sheets of green cardstock.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Cut out your leaves. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

The finished window decor!For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

I wanted a teal pull on my blinds. I had this old crystal from a chandelier. I was going to buy some glass paint as I wanted it to be transparent, then I remembered my post on How to Paint Mason Jars. That effect was just what I was after. So I figured it would work on this just as well as mason jars.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

I mixed a little food coloring gel with some Mod Podge.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

Then I painted over the crystal bauble. For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

I should have hung it on wire to dry but I put it in a small plastic cup and put a fan on it.For simple & unique window treatment ideas you'll love our tissue paper flower window toppers. The gorgeous flowers cost pennies & take minutes to make.

It turned out great!

Just what I was wanting.


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