How to Stop Smoking : 3 Minutes a Day for 3 Weeks


We'll show you how to stop smoking in 3 weeks with only 3 minutes a day using simple acupressure! Print out our pocket card and see if it works for you!blank630x20We'll show you how to stop smoking in 3 weeks with only 3 minutes a day using simple acupressure! Print out our pocket card and see if it works for you!This article explains how to stop smoking using simple acupressure! It’s worked for many people and just might help you! One thing for sure is its too easy not to at least give it a try! Acupressure is an ancient healing scientific art developed in Asia over 5,000 years ago and is actually a predecessor to Acupuncture. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, but acupuncture employs needles, while acupressure uses gentle but firm pressure. The fingers or other objects are used to press points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force energy to aid healing.

How It Works

We'll show you how to stop smoking in 3 weeks with only 3 minutes a day using simple acupressure! Print out our pocket card and see if it works for you!Acupressure is based on the body having 14 “meridians” that carry energy throughout it. These meridians start at your fingertips and connect to the brain and then go outward from there. Think of your body as a plumbing system full of inter-connected pipes. If a pipe gets blocked, it slows down the water rushing through the system. You may have a block in one place that causes a problem further down the line. It is the same with your body’s meridians.

Acupressure removes obstructions in your body’s energy system allowing it to flow the way it should, thus removing the specific problems associated with a specific blockage. That is why pressing on certain points can alleviate problems in other areas of the body. Many times you will notice that a specific point is extremely tender. This means there’s a problem in that meridian.


Here’s a closeup of it being done with a paperclip.We'll show you how to stop smoking in 3 weeks with only 3 minutes a day using simple acupressure! Print out our pocket card and see if it works for you!blank630x20


How to Stop Smoking with Acupressure ToolsTools Needed

blank630x20Printable Reminder Charts


We'll show you how to stop smoking in 3 weeks with only 3 minutes a day using simple acupressure! Print out our pocket card and see if it works for you!

blank630x20How to Stop Smoking

IMPORTANT: It is not necessary to have your “last cigarette” and then start. The desire to continue smoking should automatically begin to slowly disappear to allow you to naturally stop on your own. All you need is a positive attitude and consistency to do the program daily for three weeks. You should not have normal withdrawal symptoms due to the nature of acupressure. Some people experience excessive sweating. You should drink plenty of water during your treatment.

We'll show you how to stop smoking in 3 weeks with only 3 minutes a day using simple acupressure! Print out our pocket card and see if it works for you!

POINT #1: Proper placement is very important. This point is inside the ear rim on the front wall of the inner ear towards the front of the face. (Not on the rim itself.) Insert tool as shown and press firmly for 30 seconds. Repeat on other ear.

POINT #2: This point is directly on ridge or rim of the lower ear at the highest point. It is situated in the center of the small mound that sticks up. Press firmly for 30 seconds. Repeat on other ear.

WARNING: 30 seconds is recommended as doing it longer can make you dizzy. You can do it up to 60 seconds per point if you do not get dizzy.

waterRESULTS: With this treatment you should either have no desire for cigarettes or else they will begin tasting very unpleasant to you. Due to the signals that acupressure gives the brain, the only possible side effect you might experience is an increase in sweating.

REMEMBER: Drink lots of water, as this helps flush the toxins out and increases success of the program. It’s suggested that you use no other method to stop smoking while doing the acupressure program.



  1. Lidia

    I am currently pregnant and I am trying to quit smoking can I use the pressure points if pregnant? Any secondary effects that I should know about? Thank you.

      1. Nancy Author

        The information is detailed in the PDF download. I believe it’s once a day but it can be done as often as desired which includes when you have the urge to smoke.

  2. Jackie

    Hi im going to try this is it ok to try it while reading the Allan Carrz easy way to quit. Thank you its worth a try.

    1. Nancy Author

      Good luck Jackie! I’ve known folks who had great success with this method. Thanks so much for stopping by!

    1. Nancy Author

      Hi Vicki,
      Got your question yesterday but I had to reach out to my herbalist to double-check before responding. She said this it’s great for any type of addiction. It certainly easy enough to try!

    2. Nancy Author

      HI Vickie! Sorry this took me a couple days. I wanted to verify with my master herbalist friend. This method can help treat any type of addiction.
      Thanks so much for visiting. Ü

    1. Donna Pitts

      The tinypic web site is no longer available. Is there another place I can see you doing the paperclip thing to your husband?

    1. Nancy Author

      So sorry I missed this comment earlier Joan! You are supposed to do it only once a day. I would not do it more than twice. Just be careful about getting dizzy as it states if you push on the spots longer than 60 seconds.

    2. Gray

      Hi I would like to stop smoking so badly, and this sounds easy, thank you. I have two questions what is the amount of pressure one have to press and where exactly in the ear should put the pressure. Thank you.

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