Messy to Marvelous Closet Makeover for a Home Office

We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

Go to work in your underwear? Sure! The best thing about having a home office is there are no rules to follow. That also means you can fix it up in your own unique way! Check out our spectacular closet makeover below. We’ll show you how we turned our messy closet into a well-organized, beautiful and fun place to store office supplies.blank630x20



Closet Makeover Supplies


This is the before and after shot.

We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20
When we moved in, my office room was a typical closet.

We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

Shelves were added and painted.We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

I keep our family files in banker boxes. The hand written labels were pretty worn. We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

I made some new labels and printed them on paper and glued them on. I also purchased new Bankers boxes, including some lovely black pinstriped ones. We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

All my office supplies had also become a mess. We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

I purchased a set of these wonderful black plastic drawers and labeled them using my Silhouette cuter. We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

I already owned a parts chest that I painted black and used for the smaller parts. We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

View our tutorial  Organize Office Supplies with a Parts Chest  here. The labels are a free printable download. We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

The top shelf was very high and I chose to use it mainly as a focal point. I purchased some wall labels at the local Dollar Tree. We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20 We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

I chose to use sheer curtains on the sides of my closet. First I tried grey. Then I switched to hot pink. What a difference!We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20

There’s also a light with a pull chain.We turned a messy home office closet into a beautiful, fun and organized place to keep track of supplies. Check out our clever ideas for your own office!blank630x20


  1. What a gorgeous home office! Not only is it beautifully organized, but it’s beautiful, too. I’d love if you shared it at Simple Organization Ideas on Organized 31. Pinning now.

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