Quick DIY Jigsaw Puzzles Work Station & Storage Set

Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats! blank630x20

Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this quick portable DIY work station and storage set.  (You might recall our mini puzzle holder and mat post.) We feature a 1000 piece puzzle.  The main board is made from an old large dry erase board and a foam sheet to create extra working mats. When your not using it you can slide it under the couch or bed!

Jigsaw puzzles are great for learning to focus and pay attention to detail. They promote patience, goal setting, collaboration and concentration, qualities which are important for kids and adults alike. When I was younger my dad always had a large family puzzle in the works on a card table and we would sit down and work on  it anytime we felt like it. It was a relaxing activity that gave a sense of satisfaction and brought the family together. Roy and I have done puzzles with our kids and my dad and mom now have the pleasure of doing puzzles with their great-granddaughter.  Traditions are awesome things!

My Dad 1958                                                    Roy & Our Kids 1995                   My Dad & Mom Great-Grandchild 2012




blank630x20Jigsaw Puzzles Work Station Supplies

NOTE: We used an old dry erase board we had lying around. Because the front was worn and also because the frame had gaps around the edge we chose to use the back for our puzzle mat so we painted it white. You can use the front if you purchase a new board for your puzzles and then no white paint is needed.

  • Wood Framed Dry Erase Board. For a 1000 piece puzzle you need a 36″ x 24″ size.
  • Handles (these are mainly for decor)
  • E6000 Glue for handles
  • White acrylic paint (see note above)
  • Silver paint for frame, if desired
  • 1 white foam sheet
  • Utility knife to cut the foam sheet
  • Roll of Washi tape (we used this one to match our silver frame)



This post features Ravensburger Bizarre Bookshop 2 1000 Piece Puzzle.

Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

blank630x20This 35″ x 23″ wood framed dry erase board was perfect for my main puzzle mat. I had painted the frame around it at an earlier date for another purpose.Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

blank630x20The front had a gap around the edge and I was concerned about the puzzle pieces sliding under it. Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

blank630x20The frame on the back of the dry erase board was snug so that was used for the front of  the mat. Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

blank630x20Two coats of white interior paint was used to cover the back of the board. Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

blank630x20The frame itself was painted silver to match our living room. I protected the inner white mat with sheets of paper taped into place.

Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

The frame was then  spray painted.
Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

Two silver drawer handles were added to the ends, mainly for looks.Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

The handles could not be attached in the typical way so small holes were drilled down into the frame on each end. One end at a time was completed. The holes were filled with E6000, a very strong glue, and the holes in the handle was also filled. The handle was then put into place and the board stood on end and allowed to dry overnight. This was repeated the next day  for the other handle. Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

blank630x20A piece of white foam board was used to make two extra working mats.
Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

blank630x20Measure and cut the foam board into two pieces that are the size you desire.
Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

blank630x20A strip of matching Washi tape was cut for each side. Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!


The tape was folded over onto the back on each side to give it a finished edge.Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

blank630x20Any extra was snipped off.
Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

The work station is now ready to use!
Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

We found all the edge pieces first.Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

We then put the frame together by matching it up to the photo.
Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

Next we decided to find certain colors and gather those.
Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

The extra mats come in very handy!Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!

blank630x20When not in use you can slide your puzzle under the bed or couch.Work your jigsaw puzzles in style with this DIY work station and storage set. Fits a 1000 piece puzzle, is made from a large dry erase board and has 2 mats!



  1. Adel Nelson

    I was thinking of making one, similar to this so this is great to know someone else has same ideas.
    I am thinking of getting a turntable to put under it so I can turn it. I saw turntables at the dollar store that is flat with no sides, so I might try it, at least it won’t cost too much

    1. Nancy Author

      Hi Laura!
      Sorry for the late response. You definitely good but I’d suggest using epoxy or something very strong so they don’t pop off. Thanks for visiting! Ü

    1. Nancy Author

      Hi Julie!
      Sorry for the delay in response. Had some illness (non-covid related). You’re right about the dust bunnies and hair under the couch. We did our puzzles regularly so they didn’t have a chance to get stuff on them but if we didn’t I woudl have made a light fabric cover to place over it.
      Thanks for visiting!

    1. Nancy Author

      Hi Brenda! We removed the screws and filled the handle holes and the holes we drilled with epoxy then just set it in place standing on its side while it dried. The epoxy is strong enough alone as you are not pulling on the handles hard enough to dislodge them.

      However, if you wanted added security I’d find a small dowel that fit into the holes then cut maybe 1/2″ pieces… smaller if needed so it sits flush. I’d then put the epoxy in the handle holes and stick in the small dowel pieces. Then fill the holes in the tray side and stick handle with the tiny pieces of dowel in place down into the tray. That would give it added support.

      Good luck!

  2. Hi Nancy! what a great idea! I love doing puzzles, but hate it when they take over the dining table for a week or so… This is an awesome solution! Thanks for sharing and linking up at DI & DI 🙂


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