Simple American Eagle Wall Art from Foam Board

This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

jenny.creationThis American eagle is made entirely from foam board! Painted with thin paint it looks like wood. It’s a wonderful piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time for that matter. We’ve got free variations of patterns below!

For another simple patriotic decor idea make our Americana Decor from Craft Sticks




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Trace the pattern onto the foam board.

This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

Carefully cut out the foam board eagle making smooth edges. Touch up if needed.This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20 This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20blank630x20Cut a backing board 14″ x 17 3/4″ (Double check everyting fits correctly before cutting.) This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

Cut out the overlayed frame section. 13″ x 6 3/4″ outer edge with a 1″ depth. This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20 This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

This is how things will layer.This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

Using a watered down brown paint, make long brush strokes up and down the backing board. The white board will show through your strokes. This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

DO NOT have too much liquid on the brush as it will bubble the paper. You want enough paint on the brush  to do two or three strokes, then dab your brush in the paint and continue on.This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20 This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

Paint the overlaid frame red. This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

After the paint dries glue your overlaid frame onto the backing board.This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

There will be about a 1/4″ border around the edge. This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

You can trace your bird design onto the cut out eagle if desired for easier painting.This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

Using watered down paint, though not too much on the brush as once, paint your eagle. This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

Remember to paint the edges.This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

Once the eagle has dried hot glue it into the center of the foam plaque. This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20 This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

Because of how light the plaque is, soda can tabs are a wonderful way to hang it up.This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

Glue the tab onto the back of your plaque.This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20

It’s ready to hang!This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20This American eagle is made entirely from foam board! It's a great piece of artwork to display during the 4th of July or any time. Free patterns included!blank630x20


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