Earth Day Quiz (Free Printable)

Grab our free printable Earth Day quiz! It's full of interesting and fun facts. The three page pdf has two pages of questions and a page with the answers.blank630x20

Grab our free printable Earth Day quiz! It’s full of interesting and fun facts.  The three page downloadable pdf has two pages of informative questions and a page with the answers.

Do you know how long it takes foil to decompose? How about disposable diapers? Learn how much trash the average American makes every day.  Some of the answers are guaranteed to surprise you!   If you’d like another fun thing to do for Earth Day, or any day for that matter, check out our DIY World Clock for Earth Day, or spread a little love and beauty on the earth with our Wildflower Seed Bombs. blank630x20



blank630x20Earth Day Quiz Download


Grab our free printable Earth Day quiz! It's full of interesting and fun facts. The three page pdf has two pages of questions and a page with the answers.


Grab our free printable Earth Day quiz! It's full of interesting and fun facts. The three page pdf has two pages of questions and a page with the answers.blank630x20



  1. Joylynn

    Our library had these for kids to give a try. I homeschool my son and this was an awesome & fun Earth Day lesson! Thanks!

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