Make a Plastic Bottle Family Time Capsule (Free Printables!)

Make a fun family time capsule using plastic soda bottles and our free printables! We'll give you labels and ideas for other items to add into your capsule. blank630x20Time capsules are fun to make and even more fun to open! We’ll show you how to make one from plastic soda bottles.   Fill them up with things that remind you of the current time including the filled out sheets we give you below. Seal your capsule, label it with the included label and set it in some out of the way place with a reminder to open at a designated time. We suggest at the very least one year but the longer you wait the more fun it is!  You can make one as a group or one for each family member. It’s a wonderful way to preserve the past and see how things have changed in the future!

Supplies for Time Capsules


There are pages for adults and children.  (pdf)

Make a fun family time capsule using plastic soda bottles and our free printables! We'll give you labels and ideas for other items to add into your capsule.


Content Ideas

  • Newspaper clippings or headlines cut out
  • Small magazine
  • Photos from family activities during the year.
  • Family photo
  • Hand print or outline
  • Receipt from local grocery shopping.
  • Article of clothing
  • Artwork or drawings
  • Money with current date.
  • Music CD
  • Small Inexpensive Flash Drive filled with videos and any of the above!



Measure and mark your bottles with a dry erase marker as it rubs off when you’re done. Exact measurements are not needed. Just make them the size you want them to be. Each side can be the same size. Cut your bottles and then trim with scissors if needed. Cut a 1″ to 2″ slit on the top of one. This is the bottom piece and overlapping the slits a bit allows the top piece to slide on snugly.

Make a fun family time capsule using plastic soda bottles and our free printables! We'll give you labels and ideas for other items to add into your capsule. blank630x20

Gather your contents that will fit in your bottle. Make a fun family time capsule using plastic soda bottles and our free printables! We'll give you labels and ideas for other items to add into your capsule. blank630x20

Fill your bottle, rolling or folding any papers as needed. Make a fun family time capsule using plastic soda bottles and our free printables! We'll give you labels and ideas for other items to add into your capsule. blank630x20

Cut out the label you want to use and fill it out. Use packing tape to cover it completely around the bottle to seal it.

Make a fun family time capsule using plastic soda bottles and our free printables! We'll give you labels and ideas for other items to add into your capsule. blank630x20

Place your time capsule in an out of the way place until the date you set to open it. Make a fun family time capsule using plastic soda bottles and our free printables! We'll give you labels and ideas for other items to add into your capsule.  blank630x20

Make a fun family time capsule using plastic soda bottles and our free printables! We'll give you labels and ideas for other items to add into your capsule. blank630x20





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