Gratitude On the Go! A Fun Gratitude Activity

For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral memo pad, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included! blank630x20Being grateful is important to a happier life. So here’s a fun unique gratitude activity to encourage more awareness of  things generally taken for granted.  Grab a tiny inexpensive spiral memo pad and print out the free labels and quotes provided, then follow the simple instructions. These are wonderful any time of year. Give them to your kids. Make a batch for a family or group activity. Or create a basket full to pass out at Thanksgiving dinner.  No matter how you use them they are a fun way to inspire thankfulness.

We’ve got some other great gratitude ideas also such as our Encourage Thankfulness with Gratitude Stones and  A Thankful Heart a 30 Day Gratitude Challenge!.

Gratitude Activity Supplies


Download Labels & Instructions

Instructions, labels and quotations (pdf)For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral memo pad, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!


Gratitude Visuals

Get the flip top memo pads.

For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral notebook, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20

Cut out the front label in the size you want.For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral notebook, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20

Glue it onto the front of your pad.For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral notebook, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20 For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral notebook, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20

Cut out the quotations provided.For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral notebook, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20

Glue them throughout your notebook.For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral notebook, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20 For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral notebook, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20

Add a pencil that you’ve cut and sharpened to fit nicely in the metal spirals.For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral notebook, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20

Add extras if desired. The books are wonderful as is but if desired,  you can add extras to them such as Washi tape strips here and there, or a ribbon tied onto the spirals. Small charms can also be added to the spiral.

For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral memo pad, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20

Also optional is spray painting the pencils. Its pretty easy to do. Just cover the top part with tape, spray paint and then cut them down to size. For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral memo pad, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral memo pad, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20 For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral memo pad, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20 For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral memo pad, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20 For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral memo pad, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20 For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral memo pad, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20

For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral memo pad, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20 For a fun unique gratitude activity for any age, grab a tiny spiral memo pad, our free printouts and make a Gratitude on the Go book. Instructions included!blank630x20 What if you woke up tomorrow...blank630x20


  1. This is lovely! Pinning. 🙂
    Found you via the Pin Me link-up!

    (Also, if you felt like coming and linking up at my Friday Frivolity blog party I would love to have you join us! It is a party for all things fun, funny, hopefully and happy, so this post is perfect. 😀

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