Simple Linen Storage in a Small Home

No place for linen storage in your small house? Here's an idea that keeps your sheets handy plus utilizes the typically unused space use of the space under your bed! blank630x20

If you live in a small home it can be challenging to find places to put everything. Something I’ve struggled with is linens. The home we are in now is medium sized but Roy and I have a lot of stuff due to our businesses and hobbies and I don’t have a closet I can devote to linens. They typically end up being stuffed in various drawers. But I finally found a way to store mine that works great and still keeps them handy. Plus it utilized typically unused space under the bed. Bonus!blank630x20


Supplies Used

  • Inexpensive clear top zippered bags that will fit under a bed.

No place for linen storage in your small house? Here's an idea that keeps your sheets handy plus utilizes the typically unused space use of the space under your bed! You can find these storage bags many places but I got mine on Amazon for $6.49 for a set of two. I bought two sets so I’d have four, two to place under each side of my bed.  They are PERFECT for sheets, pillow cases, shams and will even hold small blankets if needed and provide quick and easy access. These are not super heavy duty but they work wonderfully. Fill them full but don’t overload them.

UPDATE OCTOBER 2016: Well these did not last as well as I had hoped. I replaced them with the following Ziz Home Anti-Mold Breathable Home Organizer which is sturdy, and a good price. I can fit a LOT into it and it fills up one side of the bed.  So take the ideas below and use them in this larger and stronger bag!


My Linen Storage


Organize them well. I used one for sheets, one for pillowcases & shams etc.No place for linen storage in your small house? Here's an idea that keeps your sheets handy plus utilizes the typically unused space use of the space under your bed!blank630x20

No place for linen storage in your small house? Here's an idea that keeps your sheets handy plus utilizes the typically unused space use of the space under your bed!blank630x20

No place for linen storage in your small house? Here's an idea that keeps your sheets handy plus utilizes the typically unused space use of the space under your bed!blank630x20

They fit perfectly under the bed. When you need a sheet just quickly slide one out and unzip it. After you grab what you want they easily slide back under. It’s about as easy as opening a drawer to grab something. No place for linen storage in your small house? Here's an idea that keeps your sheets handy plus utilizes the typically unused space use of the space under your bed!blank630x20 No place for linen storage in your small house? Here's an idea that keeps your sheets handy plus utilizes the typically unused space use of the space under your bed!blank630x20 No place for linen storage in your small house? Here's an idea that keeps your sheets handy plus utilizes the typically unused space use of the space under your bed!blank630x20



  1. Anonymous

    This is what I need.! We live in an older house and only one closet in the bedroom and a linen closet in the bathroom. We have everything crammed in our bedroom closet so I’ll see what Amazon has for our sheets and it will fit under my bed. So, thank you for sharing this great idea!

  2. Thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday! here in Israel where most people live in small spaces with large families, beds are made with a drawer under the bed (if there isn’t another bed to pull out) and my bed is actually the kind that you pull up to reveal a huge amount of storage space underneath, namely the size of a box spring. all the best!

  3. This is such a great idea! Our house is small and has no space for a linen closet, so I have been trying to figure out where to store our linens. This is perfect! Thanks for the idea!

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