Tips to Stop Negative Thoughts in their Tracks

If you’re a typical person and struggle with having negative thoughts more than you would like to these simple tips can be a huge help! Several require nothing extra at all so pick the ones that work best for you and move towards a more joyful life!


If you’re someone who doesn’t ever get stressed then you don’t need to read any further. OK… now that 99.9% of you are still here, I think we can all agree that worrying now and then is pretty normal. The problem arises when you have more negative thoughts than happy ones.

So I’ve got a few tips for you to help stop the worrying habit and help you get a handle on those negative thoughts. These are things I’ve researched and used with great success myself and continue to use. (Being someone with a serious condition of “freaking out”.)  You may recall we did a post on healing traumatic events titled “Free Yourself from Suffering in One Minute”. That tool is generally for  heavy duty issues whereas this one is for smaller day to day worries that come up.


Ideas to Stop Worrying

Having tried many things through the years to help me get a handle on my thought, these ideas are the ones that work for me.  I was skeptical of some of these things when I first learned of them. But seeing is believing.


Taking a Deep BreathWe know you’ve heard this before but there is science behind it. Taking a deep breath has a physiological purpose and powerful effect on the body. When you take a very deep breath, filling the lungs as much as you can, and then slowly let it out, the body literally releases stress and relaxes. You can immediately feel it. To prove its value just try it the next time you’re super stressed, paying close attention to your body as you do it. You’ll quickly see just how potent it is. So ALWAYS start with this then move on to others if needed.



If you’re a typical person and struggle with having negative thoughts more than you would like to these simple tips can be a huge help! Several require nothing extra at all so pick the ones that work best for you and move towards a more joyful life!This has worked for me forever. I’ve even used it on others.  Oddly enough only my right hand works for me but the effect is instant.  I simply place my right (dominate) hand over the middle of my chest and a sense of peace overtakes me. Try it and see if you have that ability. Use each hand to determine which works best.

Interestingly enough I recently learned there is validation for doing this. During my studies this year I read a highly rated book entitled Beyond Will Power by Alexander Lloyd, Ph.D.  I was very surprised to learn he uses this exact method on people and he also stated that Sigmund Fred used something similar to help patients.



When I have an overall feeling of anxiety that won’t go away I pull out my tiger’s eye. This is the only crystal that has a noticeable effect for me as far as any healing goes. But it’s effect is immediate.   I have different sizes but the larger unpolished version is the one that works for me. I lay it over my solar plexus and I can feel the anxiety drain away. You can find these at any rock or crystal shop or purchase them online. Buying from a local shop gives you the ability to get a “feel” for it before purchasing.

 Tigers Eye Over Solar Plexus


If you’re a typical person and struggle with having negative thoughts more than you would like to these simple tips can be a huge help! Several require nothing extra at all so pick the ones that work best for you and move towards a more joyful life!GROUND YOURSELF

I had someone who was very skilled in energy work give me this information saying it was a way to “ground” yourself when you’re having emotional issues or feeling out of sorts for various reasons.

To do it you take your index and middle finger together (i.e. the Cub Scout sign) and place the back of those fingers over the middle of your forehead. Hold it there for up to 30 seconds. You should feel a calming.



LEMON & LAVENDER OILS (Aromatherapy)

Lemon and Lavendar OilThere are quite a few essential oils that help alleviate depression or fear. I’ve used these two for a subtle but noticeable difference. The links below are to some fairly inexpensive but highly rated oils on Amazon. You can use any type. Even smelling a fresh lemon will help!

Other Oils for Emotions: Vanilla, Rosemary, and Frankincense

How to Use Oils

You can place the oil anywhere on the body but typical locations are the bottoms of the feet, top of the head and over the heart. I usually place it on my wrists and then under my nose so I can smell it easier. If you have a diffuser you can also use that! It’s the smell that affects the brain.


Final Words

Feeling concerned about certain problems in your life is normal. But when you worry all the time about minor things and your thoughts run away with you it makes for a stressful and unhappy life.  The more we worry the more we literally change our brain and remap our synapses to actually make it easier to worry in the future. This is why change can be difficult. But not impossible. If you’ve been a worrier it will take some regular work to remap your brain and change that habit. But it is doable and these ideas will be a huge help on your way to a more peaceful life!


If you’re a typical person and struggle with having negative thoughts more than you would like to these simple tips can be a huge help! Several require nothing extra at all so pick the ones that work best for you and move towards a more joyful life!

blank630x20Our Life is What Our Thoughts Make It



  1. Great post! My nephew who was visiting up for shabbat just told me that my husband told him (though never mentioned it to me funny enough) that if you use lots of lemon verbena leaves to make tea that it can have a calming effect. I have a lemon verbena bush that I use to make tea for my husbands family, but now I think I’ll have to try it more often myself. So seeing lemon oil on your list totally makes sense. And now please excuse me while I go make some lemon verbena tea!

  2. Hi, Nancy! Normally I go straight for the crafts, but I’m so glad I clicked on this post. Really needed something like this, and I think it is so well written and helpful. Thank you!

    1. Nancy Author

      Thank you Michelle. That’s so kind of you to say. I’m so glad you found some of it helpful. I usually only post things I’ve done that have worked for me so I’m thrilled when someone else finds them useful. Ü

  3. Tiger eyes is something I’ve never heard of. Interesting. I think whatever works to get you out of the negative head space is good. It is such an emotional drain.

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