The Thing About Life : Why It's Best Viewed at a Distance

The thing about life is it's best viewed at a distance. Why? Because if you have tunnel vision you miss all the cool stuff outside the tunnel! blank630x20Some small but annoying thing happens. You know it’s petty but it bugs you. The more you think about it, the more it bugs you. And you’re thinking about it a lot and getting angrier and angrier. Now you can’t stop thinking about it.

Or maybe it’s a larger problem you’re facing, but before you know it its consuming your thoughts day and night. That, my friends, is tunnel vision.  It occurs when we focus on something until it becomes the only thing we can see.

Excited nerd with magnifying glassFor some reason it seems to be human nature to hold a magnifying glass to all the nasty things that go on in our lives. I’m not sure if we subconsciously think we’ll change things by intensely focusing on them or what. But all that happens in the end is we feel worse and worse.

I blatantly admit that there are plenty of times when I get caught up in the stressful things in my life, as a recent exchange between my husband Roy and I illustrates.

ROY: It’s you and me against the world!
ME: I think the world’s winning.

Though I’m as guilty as the next person in doing this I’m getting better at taking steps to offset it. The key here is to STEP BACK and I’ve got a few ideas for you. blank630x20blank630x20



How To Step Back

Sometimes, all that is needed is a shot of perspective. One way I do this is I look at photos of the universe. I’m not kidding.  I do this all the time. In fact, during particularly stressful times I set my computer wallpapers to photos of the universe. Here are some great photos from the Hubble Telescope.  While you’re looking at them ponder these facts:

  • Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains about 100 BILLION PLANETS. Of which we are one.
  • In the Universe there are an estimated  100 BILLION GALAXIES of which ours, The Milky Way, is just one.
  • Each of those 100 billion Galaxies has billions of planets.

blank630x20The thing about life is it's best viewed at a distance. Why? Because if you have tunnel vision you miss all the cool stuff outside the tunnel!


The thing about life is it's best viewed at a distance. Why? Because if you have tunnel vision you miss all the cool stuff outside the tunnel!


A 3.5 minute video that will blow your mind!


Quiz Yourself

  • If you’re worried about financial things ask: Have I ever been homeless? Have I ever starved? (Acknowledging that there are those who have had these things happen.)
  • List the things in life that are currently good and that you’re thankful for. i.e. You have a roof over your head, food to eat, family you love, etc.
  • Think back on the good things that have happened in your life.
  • Think back on the bad things that have happened and realize that you lived through them and your life went on.
  • As you remember other difficulties you’ve had, think about what you learned from them.  Many times it’s our troubles that give us the knowledge, perspective and character.
  • Remember a key phrase: “This too shall pass” or “All things come to an end” .


Tunnel vision is curable if we just remind ourselves to view the bigger picture. We need to recall  things we’ve come through in the past, think on the great things that we do have in our life and know that nothing lasts forever. Life’s too short to spend it dwelling on the negative. We’ll enjoy the journey a lot more if every once in a while we remember to step back!


Free Reminder Quote

 5″x 7″ PrintableThe thing about life is it's best viewed at a distance. Why? Because if you have tunnel vision you miss all the cool stuff outside the tunnel!


Share the quotes below to remind others to STEP BACK!The thing about life is it's best viewed at a distance. Why? Because if you have tunnel vision you miss all the cool stuff outside the tunnel!blank630x20

The thing about life is it's best viewed at a distance. Why? Because if you have tunnel vision you miss all the cool stuff outside the tunnel!blank630x20


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