Did you know the cinnamon in your cupboard is not real cinnamon at all? I sure didn’t. I learned that it’s actually another spice known as cassia and is sometimes referred to as “bastard cinnamon”, which in all honesty seems a bit harsh. But real cinnamon is called Ceylon (pronounced sell-own). I had heard about it before and assumed it would pretty much taste the same. Then I finally bought some. Oh… my…. gosh. It’s incredible! It’s sweet and flavorful. I knew it was going to be different just by smelling it. So while the regular cassia cinnamon is perfectly fine and healthful to use, Ceylon simply has a better flavor for foods.
So… what’s all that great about cinnamon?
Not only does it taste and smell good there are some serious health benefits of cinnamon. As far as nutrients go it has manganese, fiber, iron and calcium. And as with many herbs it has a multitude of benefits. One of it’s more popular uses is that cinnamon reduces blood sugar in people with type 2 Diabetes. Cinnamon can naturally reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol. It’s anti-inflammatory properties allow it to act as a pain reliever for conditions such as arthritis. We’ve listed 12 health benefits of cinnamon below.
Coumarin: All cinnamon has this substance in it. If eating cinnamon in large amounts, in incredibly rare cases it can damage the liver in people who are very sensitive. If you want to eat a lot of cinnamon, which by the way is great for you, consider using Ceylon as it has only a minor amount of this substance in it.

Get Sprinkling!
So get creative with your cinnamon and sprinkle it on all kinds of things! Remember that Ceylon is sweet so it can be put on many things just by itself. Sprinkle it on popcorn, toast, cereal, coffee, mix it in some peanut butter, sprinkle it in oatmeal, sprinkle it in hot chocolate, sprinkle it on raw apple slice… you get the idea!
thank you for sharing great information. helpful for our health keep write these type article
I began putting 1/2 t. ceylon cinnamon in each of the 8 cups of coffee I drink each day….coffee and cinnamon really compliment each other…
Does this Ceylon come in a pill form?
i love cinnanmon. i have been selling cinnamon oil to clients. it has many uses. thankyou
You’re very welcome Miranda Ü
Pingback: It's Easy to Make Cinnamon Oil! – Craft Your Happiness
I know cinnamon is great for you, but I forget to use it!
Nice to see you again Diana!
I had no idea the cinnamon in my cupboard wasn’t the real deal. I’ll have to try the Ceylon. Thank you for sharing the healthy benefits too. Thanks for linking up at #HomeMattersParty Hope to see you again!
It was a surprise to me too when I learned it! There’s QUITE a difference though in taste for sure. Thanks so much Shann for stopping by!
What a delightful and informative post on the benefits of cinammon. I use it regularly but now I will use it for many more reasons. Great graphics too! I’m pinning and sharing.
Thanks so much Deborah for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment. Ü