Help Heal Depression and More in One Minute with EMDR at Home

If you suffer from anxiety due to trauma, this 60 second EMDR exercise might have miraculous results for you. Heal depression, PTSD, anxiety and more.blank630x20

This is one of those things that feels magical. I was taught how to do it years ago by a close friend who is a master healer.  (You might remember her from this post about healing MRSA.) It is a form of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), a treatment psychologists use to heal trauma. But you can do quickly and for free. It’s based on where painful memories are kept in the brain and it utilizes eye movement to literally “reprogram” the brain concerning past experiences.  These experiences and your emotional attachment to them are stored primarily in one side of your brain… the irrational, emotional side. By deeply reliving the experience while activating both sides of your brain (the back and forth motion) your brain processes the experience, making it easier to deal with and reprogramming your brain’s old ties to that initial feeling. And it can have phenomenal results!

If you suffer from emotional pain, depression or anxiety due to experiences you have had in your past, this 60 second exercise might have miraculous results for you. It can help heal depression, PTSD and more. Please give it a try!Being human, stress, fear and worry is common for most of us.  Sometimes certain things we experience are so incredibly painful that we’re traumatized, and we can carry the emotions from the experience with us for years, if not for our entire lives.  We’ll try to put on a happy face, but there’s deep pain going on underneath.  Emotions are incredibly powerful, having the ability to make us physically sick.  At the very least, negative experiences that we carry with us affect how we function and view the world.  Someone being vivaciously cruel, unfair or downright mean is something that can stick with us, especially if the trauma happened when we were children.  My hope is that you will have peace and find some relief and heal depression, fear, anger and anxiety using this method.


The Steps to Heal Depression, PTSD, Anxiety & More

Please read the key points, the instructions and watch the video before doing the exercise.

Supply Needed (as in just one)

A black pencil or marker. Sharpie markers are perfect if you have one. The black top makes it easy to focus on. You want something that your eyes can easily see and that will not blend into the background.

  1. Go to a quiet place. You can sit or stand.
  2. Decide on the experience you would like to heal.
  3. Close your eyes and think of the issue that upsets you or causes you emotional pain or suffering.  Recall the most uncomfortable part of the situation and feel it deeply.
  4. Once you do this open your eyes.
  5. If you suffer from emotional pain, depression or anxiety due to experiences you have had in your past, this 60 second exercise might have miraculous results for you. It can help heal depression, PTSD and more. Please give it a try!Either you or someone else holds the marker up at eye level about 1 1/2 feet away from you and moves it from side to side in front of you going as far as each shoulder, back and forth.  You need to follow the top of the marker with your eyes, but do NOT move your head. Each swipe should take about one second.  You will do this for 30 seconds, or 30 swipes. Try to just let your mind empty and focus only on the marker or pen while you do this.
  6. When you’re done take a deep breath and try to recall the awful feelings you had before you started.
  7. You shouldn’t be able to.
  8. Though you will remember the event it should not have the strong emotional effect anymore.



Key Points

  • You should only have to do this once per issue, though you can certainly do it more if you feel you need to.
  • You don’t have to delve into the reasons why you feel the way you do. It’s immaterial as far as this exercise is concerned.
  • It’s important that you want to change the feelings you have. This can be tricky for some things such as anger. You have to want to let go of the anger towards someone, even if you’ve not been able to as of yet. Sometimes we hold onto it because we feel the other person is “getting away with it” if we don’t. If that’s the case you will find it difficult to heal.
  • This is generally used for extreme situations which cause us severe emotional turmoil  or things that you realize shouldn’t be a big deal but for some reason they eat away at you.
  • It’s nice to have someone help you with this but you can do it alone as shown.
  • Of course everyone is different and while  amazing things can  happen from doing this there will always be a chance, for whatever reason, that it might not work well for you. But it’s simple and it’s free. If you’re suffering emotionally in any way, please give it a try.blank630x20 blank630x20


This video shows you how the exercise is done. Roy is doing it by himself, but it can sometimes be easier if you have someone hold and move the pen for you.


Free Download

A printable instruction sheet with the above information. DOWNLOAD


Examples of What This Can Be Used For

  • You were bullied unmercifully as a child.
  • Someone you trusted let you down or betrayed a confidence.
  • Your wife had an affair.
  • PTSD
  • You were sexually abused or raped.
  • You we’re humiliated or severely embarrassed.
  • Someone you loved died and you can’t get over it.
  • Anything negative that you keep playing over and over again in your head.
  • To heal depression, PTSD, anxiety and fear no matter the source.

The list is endless. It doesn’t matter what the trigger is or if  your suffering was caused by something large or small. Suffering is suffering no matter the source. May you be well & peaceful.


If you suffer from emotional pain, depression or anxiety due to experiences you have had in your past, this 60 second exercise might have miraculous results for you. It can help heal depression, PTSD and more. Please give it a try!


If you suffer from anxiety due to trauma, this 60 second EMDR exercise might have miraculous results for you. Heal depression, PTSD, anxiety and more.






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