Turn flip flops into gorgeous unique footwear with just a few items you probably having lying around the house! They are an inexpensive way to be stylin’ in warm weather. We’ll show you how to take these rubber minimalist footwear and spice them up a bit in fun and inexpensive ways. The DIY flip flops shown were all purchased at the Dollar store.
DIY Flip Flop Supplies
- Flip flops of choice
- E6000® Permanent Craft Adhesive
- Toothpicks for applying adhesive
- Artificial flowers (daisies)
- Small gems
- Ribbon (4 feet per shoe for adults)
- 1/4 yard cotton type material
- Pinking shears
Visual Instructions
This is basics to create each flip flop shown. Read the details above each finished photo.

Lace-Up DIY Flip Flop
This is a fast no glue version. Best DIY flip flop idea ever! For an adult size you need 4 feet of ribbon for a large size. It’s wrapped around the toe hold as shown above and then wrapped around the leg and tied as shown below. Very easy!
Jeweled DIY Flip Flops
The important part is to use the E600 Permanent Glue or something similar, to add gems.
Rag Tie DIY Flip Flops
Using about 1/4th a yard of any fabric, for adult size, cut into strips and tie once around the flip flop bands. I cut mine using pinking shears and made the strips 1 1/2″ wide by 5″ long. When tying try to make the front side of the fabric show as much as possible. Tie loosely ONCE, then scoot up next to the tie before it and pull the tie hard and tight. Spraying with a little water on the tied part when done will help it stay in place. There is no need to knot these. Also, they do not affect the feel of wearing the flip flops at all!
Flowered DIY Flip Flops
Glue on any flower you choose using the permanent glue shown above.
Individual Flip Flops for You’re Pinning Pleasure Ü
Oh my! Cute ideas! Pinned and tweeted. Please join us tonight at 7 pm, and party with us. I can’t wait to see your new masterpieces or amazing classics! Lou Lou Girls
Thanks SO much! You bet I’ll be there!
i’ll bet my Girl Scouts would love to decorate flip flops
Oh definitely. Little girls would LOVE it! I’m a big girl and I had a blast! Ü
Love the ribbon ties
That was my favorite one! And the easiest. Ü