Small Soda Bottle Purse Set (Wristlet)

Make a fashion statement with this tiny soda bottle purse... a wristlet and matching pill or gum case. It's the cutest upcycle every! blank630x20

I’d seen these cute little upcycles before and wanted to try my hand at one. It was much easier than I expected! I especially love the little container that can be used for pills or vitamin though I put Xylitol gum in mine. If you want to keep your stuff private you can spray paint your bottles first.  I chose to keep mine clear and decorate the gum containers in various matching ways. Learn how to make this little soda bottle purse below.




  • 2 32 oz bottles. You could use a larger ones I’m sure.
  • Nylon zipper long enough to go around the bottle. (Can be trimmed if needed.)
  • X-acto knife
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Chain for pill holder. (Optional)
  • Drill if you’re putting a hole for a chain in your pill holder.
  • Ribbon for handle and inner edge.
  • Fine edged saw for cutting thread tops off bottles for pill container.
  • Buttons, gems, paint, stickers etc. For decorating tiny case.


Visual Instructions

The steps are shown using a dark blue zipper. But as you will see you can use any color zipper you wish with matching ribbon. We also used gems, stickers and buttons to glue to the lid of our pill case. You could also paint designs on it!

 Cut the bottoms off of two bottles. You can make them as high as you wish. zipper.pouch.pill.holder.1blank

Trim the extra blank ends off. zipper.pouch.pill.holder.2blankCarefully hot glue each side of your zipper around the top edge of each bottom bottle piece making sure the teeth are a tiny bit above the edge of your bottle.zipper.pouch.pill.holder.3blank

The zipper stays attached but opened while you glue each size of it to each bottle piece.zipper.pouch.pill.holder.4blankTrim off any extra zipper.zipper.pouch.pill.holder.5blankTake some ribbon and hot glue it around the inner edge to give it a nicer finish. zipper.pouch.pill.holder.6blank

Make a handle from the ribbon and attach it to your purse at the back. zipper.pouch.pill.holder.7blank

For the pill container, cut the top thread part of the two bottles off below the bottom ridge. This generally takes a fine tooth saw as it’s fairly thick plastic.zipper.pouch.pill.holder.8blank

Glue the tops together with lid sides out. Drill a small hole if desired to put a chain through.zipper.pouch.pill.holder.9blankFinished pill /vitamin / gum holder. Below you will see a variety of ways you can decorate these to match your zipper and ribbons.zipper.pouch.pill.holder.10blank This little wristlet and pill gum case accessory set is as cute as can be and all you need is two tiny plastic soda bottles. It’s an upcycle and fashion statement all in one! Carry these around and you’ll have people asking you how you did it! Who knows… you’ll maybe inspire others to do some upcycling themselves!  blank This little wristlet and pill gum case accessory set is as cute as can be and all you need is two tiny plastic soda bottles. It’s an upcycle and fashion statement all in one! Carry these around and you’ll have people asking you how you did it! Who knows… you’ll maybe inspire others to do some upcycling themselves!  blankMake a fashion statement with this tiny soda bottle purse... a wristlet and matching pill or gum case. It's the cutest upcycle every!blankMake a fashion statement with this tiny soda bottle purse... a wristlet and matching pill or gum case. It's the cutest upcycle every!blank Make a fashion statement with this tiny soda bottle purse... a wristlet and matching pill or gum case. It's the cutest upcycle every! Make a fashion statement with this tiny soda bottle purse... a wristlet and matching pill or gum case. It's the cutest upcycle every!blank blank


  1. This is such a darling idea. I have two granddaughters that would absolutely love making them. Thanks so much for sharing at my Grandma Ideas Sharing time link party!

    1. Nancy Author

      Thank you SO much Kristen! We so appreciate that! I come back each week to your party! I’ll be posting your link on all my social networks too!

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