A Fairy Bedroom Guys Will Like : Decorating For Couples

It’s possible to decorate for couples and please both sides! We’ve got some great pointers on just how to do that and a perfect example with photos of how a bedroom was redecorated to please each person. blank630x20

Whenever I see a husband and wife’s bedroom done all girly and feminine I always feel kinda bad for the guy. (I’m making an assumption, of course, that most guys would would probably prefer to not be swaddled in pink pastels and lacy things. And if you’re those of you who do… Rock On!)  Generally speaking, it seems that a room for a couple should fit both of them.

Now, Roy would let me do whatever I wanted in the bedroom. Wait… let me rephrase that. He’d let me decorate however I wanted. And though I can sometimes lean towards the frilly I try to make this  room a place we can both enjoy. Below are some pointers on how to decorate for couples!

Makeover Choices

For this bedroom I really wanted a bit of a fantasy but didn’t want it to scream “Chick Bedroom!”.   So I mulled it over and finally decided what I would do. (Keep in mind this is a rental home.)

  • Bedroom-Before1Walls: Cream (They had funky stripes going on.)
  • Bedding/Furniture/Curtains/Throw Rugs: Black
  • Large vinyl black tree on the wall.
  • Black dragonflies on the wall in various spots.
  • Quotation on the wall: “I dwell in possibility”
  • Twinkle lights on the top of the bookcase.
  • Fairy Sculpture, Semi-Nude
  • Small Framed Art: Realistic fairies, nude
  • Large framed fairy art.  (Old frame spray painted.)
  • Miscellaneous decor items I already had.

Below is how it all came together. It’s very unique with a bit of magic to it but not girly in anyway. (No one can argue that black is too feminine.)  But I LOVE the bold contrast.  I chose realistic classy fairy art, no cartoony stuff.  Roy likes showing it off to people so I take that as his seal of approval.


Decorating For Couples Pointers

  1. Sit down and discuss what you’d both like. If your partner doesn’t really care one way or the other your in luck! However putting in touches for them anyway is always meaningful!
  2. Compromise. For example. I wanted fairies. I used classy black and white nude ones.  Both sides covered!
  3. Use feminine objects but give them masculine colors. (i.e. the fairies)
  4. Honestly, the most important key is to care about the other person’s opinion and truly want to please them too. Which is pretty much important to any relationship!

Making a room fit two people’s style is not all that difficult it both are willing. All it takes is the desire to do so and a little planning. And maybe a nude fairy or two.blank630x20

Decorating for Couplesblank630x20 Decorate for Couplesblank630x20Large artwork of a sleeping fairy I ordered that ironically looks remarkably like me.
It’s possible to decorate for couples and please both sides! We’ve got some great pointers on just how to do that and a perfect example with photos of how a bedroom was redecorated to please each person. blank630x20Nude fairy art hanging above our bed.How to Decorate for Couplesblank630x20 It’s possible to decorate for couples and please both sides! We’ve got some great pointers on just how to do that and a perfect example with photos of how a bedroom was redecorated to please each person. blank630x20It’s possible to decorate for couples and please both sides! We’ve got some great pointers on just how to do that and a perfect example with photos of how a bedroom was redecorated to please each person. BLANK 800 x 75

For a little help redoing your own rooms download our FREE ROOM MAKEOVER KIT!

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  1. A wonderful idea, to be kind to the man in your life. You have done such a neat job of incorporating a room for both of you to enjoy. Thanks for bringing this creative bedroom to #HomeMattersParty

  2. Jennifer Hull

    WOW! That turned out wonderful mama! I don’t think you and dad have ever had a real “grown up” room – (me either)… you needed a retreat like that… it looks so comfy… I want to go there… 🙂

    1. Nancy Author

      Thanks sweetie. Your original ideas you sent over helped a TON. I copied as best I could. The bed ended up not fitting on the one wall with the end tables so I had to change that. It could still use some of your special touches but I’ll wait until you can come visit next. 🙂

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