Is dusting a dirty word at your house? Well, we have the mother of all cleaning tips! With the right tool and a little specific knowledge it’s a breeze! My mom used to tell me that all a feather duster does is move the dirt around. That’s pretty much true with cheap dusters and the wrong technique. But with a high quality microfiber duster and some know how it’s an incredibly efficient and quick way to do this part of your housework. It’s even kinda fun! Follow the directions below (and print them for further reference) and you’ll have a dust free home in no time at all!
Cleaning Tips Dusting Supplies
- Quality microfiber duster (our favorite)
Instruction Download

1. Start at one spot in the room and go round it once, never backtracking.
2. Dust from TOP TO BOTTOM, door jams down.
2. Vacuuming should be done AFTER dusting.
Never flip your duster around or use jerky movements as that’s what spreads the dust. Starting at the top of the room move your duster steadily one way over the surface of what you’re dusting and when you come to the end of it immediately stop. Then start again lower down or on whatever needs dusted next. Remember, the key is to not use excess movement that flicks the dust off your duster.
To remove the dust that has gathered on your duster, every now and then tap the duster handle, close to the end, against your foot. Make sure you are CLOSE TO THE FLOOR so the dust shakes down onto it floor and doesn’t have a chance to float elsewhere. When you’re finished with the room you can vacuum it to pick up all the dust you dropped.
Clean duster by tapping it on the bottom of your shoe every so often. Make SURE you are close to the floor. Once your done dusting you can vacuum.
Years ago when I worked for a cleaning company while between jobs, we were taught to do it this way. An ostrich feather duster was used and did not spread the dust. Have done it this way for years! The other thing we were taught is to start cleaning at the point farthest away from the exit to the home … usually upstairs. This actually helped to finish the home faster and without backtracking!
Very good idea cleaning from the furthest point to the exit. Anything that speeds it up is ok by me! Thank you so much for commenting!
Thanks for sharing these tips! I hate dusting & your tips sound like they will make the process much easier!
You bet! Thanks for visiting!
This is great advice! A definite must share for my duster… I mean my daughter! 🙂 Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty – we’re looking forward to what you have to share next week. 🙂
Life With Lorelai
lol! Thanks Lorelai!
That microduster is one of the greatest inventions ever!
I was just treating myself to 30 mins on the pc before I start my mad dash cleaning up the house, I’ll be giving this a try as soon as I finish my tea – thanks for the tips.
Your so welcome Julie. Thank you for commenting!