Turn Old CD's & Plastic Cups into Bird Feeders

CD DVD Bird Feeders DIYblank630x20

Who doesn’t have old CDs or DVDs lying around? We’ve got a great upcycle way for our feathered friends to have yummy stuff to eat.  There are two different types of feeders you can make and we personally tested both types. The birds were thrilled!blank

blank630x20Supplies Needed

  • 1 CD or DVD
  • Masking Tape / Brown paint (tree feeder)
  • Paint if desired.
  • Rope 3/8″ or 1/2″ (tree feeder)
  • Plastic cup. Shorter type
  • Small bit of Washi tape
  • Clear boondoggle, fishing line or anything to hang it with.(hanging feeder)
  • Fake leaves (hanging feeder)
  • Hot Glue
  • Drill
  • Nail (tree feeder)
  • X-acto Knife
  • Bird seed


Instructions : Feeder #1

You can finish your CD however you like. Paint it or even leave it blank so it’s shiny and attracts the bird’s attention. I decided to give mine a wood like finish.

  1. Tear small pieces of masking tape and cover it with them, overlapping.
  2. Cover over with a thin layer of brown acrylic paint.
  3. Cut out half the bottom of your cup.
  4. Hot glue the cup on.
  5. Add rope trim.
  6. Drill a hole in the edge.
  7. Add a small strip of Washi tape over the edge of the perch area.
  8. Fill with bird seed and nail to a tree.



Bird Feeder from CD and Plastic Cup

DIY Bird Feeder from CD and Plastic Cup




Instructions : Feeder #2

  1. Glue the bottom of your cup to the CD.
  2. Glue fake leaves or any foliage around the cup.
  3. Drill four holes evenly spaced around the CD.
  4. Attach fishing line or clear boondoggle.
  5. Fill with bird seed and hang in a tree!


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blank DIY CD DVD Bird Feedersblank

DIY CD DVD Bird Feeders Upcycle SQ



  1. Shirley Lazaruk

    Such lovely ideas for bird feeders. I am a bird lover and always looking for ways to attract bird s to my yard. Super cute!

  2. Joni Ferguson

    Hi Nancy, thank you for sharing these lovely bird feeders, I have been trying to find some for a while now in order to attract birds to my garden. I needed to be able to put them out of my cats reach and I also have no tree, but these will be perfect to hang from my fence (it’s quite tall either side of my patio). Thanks again, I look forward to your future posts

    1. Nancy Author

      I’m so glad you found the post helpful Joni. Thanks so much for visiting and leaving such a lovely comment. Ü

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