Dragonfly Note Holder

Clothespin Dragon Fly Note Holder Tutorial blank630x20

Who wouldn’t want this cute little guy hanging around? A clothespin and a little piece of screen with some wiggle eyes makes this darling little guy! You can make him any color you want or give a set of them as gifts. You can easily make this by cutting your own wing shape but I included downloadable instructions with a pattern.


  • Clothespin
  • Small piece screen (you want the soft flexible fiberglass type NOT the old hard wire kind.)
  • Wiggle eyes
  • Paint of choice
  • Glue
  • Magnet for backblank630x20


dragonfly.note.holder THUMB


Visual Instructions

Paint or dye your clothespin. Paint head part. Glue on eyes. Cut 4 wire wings. Glue wings on top overlapping a bit. Glue small magnet on back.

Dragonfly Clothespin Note holder stepsblank630x20

Clothespin Dragon Fly Note Holder DIYblank630x20

Clothespin Dragonfly Note Holder SQblank630x20

Clothespin Dragon Fly Note Holder


  1. I’m loving this! I’m always so impressed by your masterpieces. Pinned and tweeted. We appreciate you taking the time to party with us. I hope to see you on tonight at 7. Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  2. Love it!! So simple yet so cute!! My youngest daughter’s room is decorated with dragonflies. I am going to have to pin it so I can remember to make her some!!

  3. I love anything with dragonflies. Def have to bookmark this because I know my girls would love to make this. Thanks for sharing. Vising from Happiness is Homemade
    Sarah @ Living Intentionally Simple

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