Inexpensive Herb Closet Makeover!

You can use these ideas to organize any type of closet or shelves where you store supplies. This one happened to be a closet that holds natural healing and herbal things.  But the container ideas are inexpensive and unique!   This shows that any area can be made beautiful and fun! blank630x20

My Herb ClosetI realize not many people have an “herb closet” but the ideas shown would work for a variety of closets!  As we are very much into holistic and natural healing I have a lot of herbs, essential oils, vitamins, homeopathic items and more, which is why I have a closet assigned for them.

I wanted to make it a bright fun area and do it as inexpensively as possible. You could use many of these ideas for your own organizing or sorting! I also have room for more things in my closet now that it’s organized. I photographed everything and give notes above each picture as to exactly what I did. blank630x20

blank630x20Supplies I Used

I had most of this stuff already so I spent very little to redo this closet.

  • A variety of dollar store containers.
  • Wrapping paper to use as wall backdrop. (Also from dollar store)
  • Double sided tape (for affixing wrapping paper to wall)
  • Key Ring Tags (For labeling some of my containers.)
  • Various Labels (I used paper and made mine then used spray glue to put them on.)
  • Spray glue (for labeling)
  • 1.5″ Round Labels (for my bottle tops)
  • Wall paint of choice
  • Unfinished Wood Shelf (Purchased at Hobby Lobby for 40% off.)
  • Wide Ribbon (For edge of Shelves)
  • Old cardboard shoe organizer that I painted.
  • Rug for floor of closet
  • Framed quote I printed and put in an old frame that matched.
  • Printed list of essential oil uses made into a simple wall hanging. blank630x20

Before the Update

This was my closet before I started. I had my herbs and things semi-organized but it was still hard to find what I wanted. And the closet was pretty icky. The walls had lots of holes and stains etc. This was a normal coat closet when we moved in. My dad built in the shelves a few months back.

Herb Closet Makeover BEFOREblank630x20

Emptying Out the Closet

The first order of business was cleaning out the closet. I put everything in baskets then took them to the table so I could sort through them and decide how they would now be organized.

Herb Closet Makeover EMPTYING IT OUTblank630x20

Patching and Painting Walls

Next I cleaned the walls as best I could, filled the holes and sanded them, then painted the closet a light grey. It looked much better!

Herb Closet Makeover Fixing and Painting Wallsblank630x20


I wanted some nice but inexpensive containers to hold all my items so I made a Dollar Store run. I also had an old shoe organizer that I painted to match the shelves. I chose a color scheme of red, green and yellow and white.

Herb Closet Makeover Containersblank630x20

Wrapping Paper Walls and Shelf Trim

I wanted the back of my closet to be papered. I chose rolls of wrapping paper from the Dollar Store that matched my color scheme. I cut the paper to fit and attached it with double sided tape and a staple in each corner for good measure. After you cut your paper its a good idea to roll it in reverse around the tube it came on so that it flattens it a bit.  I had some ribbon that worked perfect for the edge of my shelves so I hot glued that on.

You can use these ideas to organize any type of closet or shelves where you store supplies. This one happened to be a closet that holds natural healing and herbal things.  But the container ideas are inexpensive and unique!   This shows that any area can be made beautiful and fun!blank630x20

Extra Shelves

Because there was a lot of space above the top shelf in the closet, I thought a small decorative shelf would look good there. I went to Hobby Lobby and used their weekly 40% off coupon and picked up an unfinshed wood shelf. I then painted it white. I needed the bottom shelf to have a smaller shelf on it to hold my bins. Roy and my dad made one and I painted it and Roy put it in.

Herb Closet Makeover Extra Shelvesblank630x20

Labeling Everything

I used a variety of things to label my containers. I had different choices on hand but I decided to just make my labels using clip-art and print them on paper and glue them to my containers with spray glue. I had some red containers that didn’t really have a good spot for a stick on label so I came up with the idea to use key tags. I drilled a hole in the bottom of the handles, printed some circle labels on paper and glued them on the tags. Then I attached the tags to the handles.

As I have so many bottles of herbs and supplements, for ease in seeing what they are, I purchased some 1.5″ round labels to stick on top. I wrote the name of the item and the expiration date. Now at a glance I can see what I have and when they expire.

Herb Closet Makeover Labeling Itemsblank630x20

Final Photos!

You can use these ideas to organize any type of closet or shelves where you store supplies. This one happened to be a closet that holds natural healing and herbal things.  But the container ideas are inexpensive and unique!   This shows that any area can be made beautiful and fun!


You can use these ideas to organize any type of closet or shelves where you store supplies. This one happened to be a closet that holds natural healing and herbal things.  But the container ideas are inexpensive and unique!   This shows that any area can be made beautiful and fun!


Herb Closet Makeover Photo 2


This is how my key tag labels turned out. They are probably my favorite thing!

You can use these ideas to organize any type of closet or shelves where you store supplies. This one happened to be a closet that holds natural healing and herbal things.  But the container ideas are inexpensive and unique!   This shows that any area can be made beautiful and fun!


These bins hold my bottled herbs and supplements. I have so many I keep them labeled alphabetically. They also each have a round label on top with the contents and expiration date.

Herb Closet Makeover Photo 4 You can use these ideas to organize any type of closet or shelves where you store supplies. This one happened to be a closet that holds natural healing and herbal things.  But the container ideas are inexpensive and unique!   This shows that any area can be made beautiful and fun!


My shoebox organizer turned out great. I keep things I want to grab quickly in it.

Herb Closet Makeover Photo 6


I wanted an herbal poster to hang on the side walls but couldn’t find one so I made my own. This is a chart graphic I came across that lists some uses for various essential oils. I had to print it in sections and tape it together because it was so long. I then cut 2  wood dowels a little longer than the width of the paper and painted them to match. I glued a ribbon down each side of my poster and then glued the dowels on each end and attached raffia to hang it.

Herb Closet Makeover Photo 7


This is my shelf I bought and painted. The decor items are things I had. The quote I printed and placed in a frame I already had.

You can use these ideas to organize any type of closet or shelves where you store supplies. This one happened to be a closet that holds natural healing and herbal things.  But the container ideas are inexpensive and unique!   This shows that any area can be made beautiful and fun!


The door already has this rack on it but it was brown. I took it off and painted it white and reattached it. This closet it right off the living room so we can still hang sweaters and jackets from visitors if needed.

Herb Closet Makeover Photo 9


The closet had a chain that turns the light on and I wanted to add something special to it. This leaf pull was in the house when we moved in and I had taken it down and saved it. This seemed the perfect spot for it with a bit of a paint job!

Herb Closet Chain Pull


Herb Closet Light Chain


Quite a difference!You can use these ideas to organize any type of closet or shelves where you store supplies. This one happened to be a closet that holds natural healing and herbal things.  But the container ideas are inexpensive and unique!   This shows that any area can be made beautiful and fun!


You can use these ideas to organize any type of closet or shelves where you store supplies. This one happened to be a closet that holds natural healing and herbal things.  But the container ideas are inexpensive and unique!   This shows that any area can be made beautiful and fun!


  1. Jen

    Such a dramatic difference! I love the paper you selected! And the labels and shoe organizer. 🙂 It all turned out so great! Definitely a makeover to smile big about!

  2. You probably already know that this was featured at Diana Rambles a few weeks ago. I’m just getting around to letting you know now. I love how organized you are!

  3. How Perfect! I like everything I see … but love the tags hanging on the handles of the red totes! I have some of those totes … only they are just plain old white ones … but I never can remember what I stick in them. That is a perfect idea. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Nancy Author

      Thanks Debbie. Yeah, sometimes I have an idea that I’m pretty tickled with… those tags was one of them! Thank you so much for commenting!

  4. I love the addition of the wallpaper! We are sorely lacking a pantry or a closet for food, so everything is crammed in the cupboards, but I think I might try this wrapping paper idea – at least then it might motivate me to keep it organized!

    1. Nancy Author

      Thanks Heather. Yeah we don’t have a pantry either. I’m using a large stand alone armoire type thing right now in my kitchen but we hope to build in something in the future. Thanks so much for commenting!

  5. Zan

    I have not heard of a herb closet before, too. But the after transformation looks amazing. And that is a lot of herbs!!! Thanks for sharing with us at Home Matters Linky party. Hope you will join us again this coming Friday. Feel free to bring a friend!

    1. Nancy Author

      Thanks Zan. I’ve not really heard of one either. lol. Just had to have a place to put all my holistic stuff. Appreciate you stopping by!

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