Easy Halloween Craft Treat Holders (From Plastic Bottles)

Make these fun halloween craft treat holders from plastic soda bottles! It's a wonderfully easy upcycle project for all ages. Invent your own creatures! blank630x20

These fun little Halloween craft creative treat holders are perfect for Halloween or even a party with an alien theme! All it takes are soda bottles. The cyclops also used an old CD. Add a few extras and come up with your own creatures.  Fun for any age!


Supplies for Halloween Craft Treat Holders

  • Soda bottles, any size.
  • X-acto Knife
  • Spray paint
  • Old CD or DVD
  • Construction Paper
  • Permanent Marker
  • Chenille stems
  • Jiggle eyes
  • Puff balls
  • Goo Gone (to remove label residue)
  • Glue

Removing Labels

Remove the labels on all your bottles. I’ve yet to find anything that removes label residue better than Goo Gone. Takes seconds.


Cutting Tips

Smoothing Edges with an Iron

You can seal the edges to give them a nice rounded finish with an iron. Its optional of course but pretty cool and doesn’t hurt your iron one bit!
1. Set your iron to high.
2. Press the cut edge of your bottle firmly on the base of the iron for 5 to 10 seconds until it starts to curve.soda.bottle.craft.ironing.endblank630x20


Preparing Bottles

For the cyclops guy I used 32 oz bottle. Any size will work depending on the vase you want. Cut the top part of the bottle as high as you wish.


 Hot glue the center part of the cd and stick your bottle on it. You can cover the hole with a small amount of cardboard if you want but I just glued around it.



Alien Monsters

This is another craft that is fairly self-explanatory.  Cut your bottles with an X-acto type knife and spray paint them your color of choice. Add eyes, mouths, antenna etc. using construction paper, jiggle eyes and markers. Below are just a few ideas we came up with.

Make these fun halloween craft treat holders from plastic soda bottles! It's a wonderfully easy upcycle project for all ages. Invent your own creatures!


Black Kitty Cat

Cut your bottle with some ears left on top and then spray paint black. Add chenille stems for whiskers, a puff ball for the nose and some jiggle eyes! Our little spider is just a puff ball with chenille stem legs and jiggle eyes.soda.bottle.containers.4

Make these fun halloween craft treat holders from plastic soda bottles! It's a wonderfully easy upcycle project for all ages. Invent your own creatures!



Make these fun halloween craft treat holders from plastic soda bottles! It's a wonderfully easy upcycle project for all ages. Invent your own creatures!