Quick Owl Hand Warmers!



Need a fast and unique last minute gift? These are darling! You could make them any color.  They are fleece and so cozy and warm. Great for kids and adults alike! 15 seconds in the microwave and you’ve  got warm cozy hands. A little fleece, some felt, and rice is all you need. Great stocking suffers or last minute gifts for neighbors. There’s a free downloadable tag with a poem and instructions that you can print and attach to your owls.




  • Pattern and tag download.owl.hand.warmers.22
  • Fleece scraps
  • Felt scraps
  • Glue for material
  • Rice
  • Scissors
  • Pinking shears
  • Sewing machine (though you  can sew by hand.)
  • Ribbon for tag.
  • Hole punch for tag.
  • Small safety pin for tag.



Pattern and Tag Printables pdf
owl.hand.warmers ffff2






Print your tags on white cardstock. Cut them out, punch a hole in them and attach to your hand warmers with ribbon and a small safety pin. owl.hand_.warmers.2b





34 Comments to “Quick Owl Hand Warmers!”

  1. Annari

    I made one for my mom and she loves it. I used a thick velvet and sewed scuba on with applique stitch for the eyes and beak. I think I filled it with lentils instead of rice because that’s what I had on hand.

  2. Katrina

    These are adorable! Also, flannel would work better! It doesn’t sweat like fleece does, and there is a never-ending supply of cute prints to choose from! Thanks for the super fun idea!

  3. Cheryl

    I just found these and have 2 questions.
    Does the microwave interfere with the craft glue?
    How long do you microwave them, wouldn’t want little ones to get burned.
    Thanks for the pattern, super cute.

    1. Nancy Author

      Hi Cheryl! You only heat them for a few seconds, 10-15 depending on your microwave, so heat should be no problem and the glue should not be a problem either. Test with lower timeframes to be safe. Ü

  4. Monique

    I love these!!! Have you run into any problems with them “sweating” after being heated? I find the fleece wet after heating. Any solution?

    1. Nancy Author

      I haven’t Monique but I’ve not used them a whole lot either. That very well could be an issue. Just leave them out to air after use if that happens for sure! Thanks so much for stopping by!

    1. Nancy Author

      LK Yours turned out darling! I’m so glad you found them useful. You are more than welcome to share the link to my post on yours in case others would like the pattern. Thanks for letting me know and letting me peek at yours. Always makes me feel good to inspire. I’m going to share your site link on my social networks to show off your work. Ü


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