Make Free Christmas Cards With Pic Monkey! (Video Tutorial)

If you think you’re not creative enough to design your own Christmas cards well Pic Monkey might change your mind! They make it SUPER easy to do whether you want to use your own photo or design one from scratch.


PicMonkey_LogoI’ve got a couple of quick video tutorials showing you how to use one of my favorite free online programs, Pic Monkey.  I’ve used them for years especially for all my collages. They have a free service and a paid one that gives you more options but the free one gives you plenty of choices to make some fun cards. You can make print quality versions of your graphics that you can then get printed at places like Walgreen or other stores that will actual cards or post cards from your images. Or you can make cards that are just for emailing out or posting online.

The first thing you need to do is just fine a photo you’d like to use for your card and place it on your desktop. For printing you need a higher resolution photo. If your just going to email it or post it online smaller photos are fine.  Once you save the files to your computer you can email them or take them to your favorite photos place. Let’s get started!




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