Christmas Countdowns With Free Patterns!

Here’s FIVE FREE PRINTABLE Christmas Countdowns! Plus one made from a small clip board. Just download our packet and print the ones you want. There’s even a pattern for a paper easel! What a fun easy way to keep track of the day’s until this most favorite of holidays!  blank630x20

Time to get your Christmas Countdowns ready! We’ve got a classy and decorative, some quick printables for the kids and our unique wood slice countdown.   Below are all the instructions and the free downloadable PDF files.

Classy Countdown Supplies

  • Downloaded pdf file
  • Wood clip board 6″ x 9″ (I got mine at Amazon but any office supply store should have them.)
    • Printer
    • Scissors
    • Ribbon for decoration. (optional)
    • Mod Podge (optional)
    • Printer Paper (Card stock is nice for the numbers but you can use regular paper also.)
    • Glue (Choices: Stick. Elmer’s or spray glue, glue gun.)
    • Large envelope or CD envelope as pouch for back to hold the letters. You can also make one from paper.blank11

Classy Countdown Downloads

This is a 16 meg zip file with the instructions, all the backgrounds and number cards to choose from. Download it and unzip it to your desktop. If the fonts on the pdfs don’t show correctly when you open them you will need to install the ones I provide in the zip file. Just double click on each one to install it to your computer. Broadcast Font is for the number cards and Elise Font is for the backgrounds.


This shows all the choices of backgrounds you get to pick from in the zip file.Background Choices


Classy  Instructions

  1. Print one of the decorated background of your choice from the downloaded pdf.
  2. Cut it out carefully.
  3. Use glue of your choice to adhere the background to the front of the clipboard.
  4. If desired Mod Podge over the front of the entire board and background, being careful around the metal clip. This gives it a nice finish and will make it last longer.
  5. Print the number cards you choose on card stock and cut them out.
  6. Make a pouch if desired for the back of the clipboard to hold the letters when not in use. A CD envelope works perfectly. I added felt (a 1″ ribbon would work well) to the back to hold the flap closed. This is optional.
  7. Tie a nice bow with a ribbon of your choice and glue or hot glue onto clip part of board.
  8. This is a count DOWN so stack the numbers in REVERSE with the Christmas Day card being at the very bottom and the number 25 on top. Remove one a day starting the 1st of December. This can be hung or placed on a small easel.


blank11 Here’s FIVE FREE PRINTABLE Christmas Countdowns! Plus one made from a small clip board. Just download our packet and print the ones you want. There’s even a pattern for a paper easel! What a fun easy way to keep track of the day’s until this most favorite of holidays!



Here’s FIVE FREE PRINTABLE Christmas Countdowns! Plus one made from a small clip board. Just download our packet and print the ones you want. There’s even a pattern for a paper easel! What a fun easy way to keep track of the day’s until this most favorite of holidays!


Printable Chalk Countdowns Supplies & Instructions

  1. Print out desired chalk design.
  2. Cut out. If using poster board you can glue the pattern on the poster board and then cut it out.
  3. Lay a white piece of paper over the pattern and trace the opening.
  4. Cut out a piece of chalkboard contact paper using the pattern you just traced.
  5. Remove back from contact paper and apply to countdown.
  6. You can stand these on a paper easel cut from poster board (patten included) or use double sided tape to stick on the wall.
  7. You can also glue on magnet sheet pieces for attaching to the fridge.


Free Printable Downloads



You can also glue the square patterns onto a piece of cut foam board and cut out the easel piece and glue on the back for a stand alone countdown.

If using chalkboard paint, use two thin coats allowing to dry in between.




Here’s FIVE FREE PRINTABLE Christmas Countdowns! Plus one made from a small clip board. Just download our packet and print the ones you want. There’s even a pattern for a paper easel! What a fun easy way to keep track of the day’s until this most favorite of holidays!


  1. Lora Cotton

    I would LOVE to download the Classy Countdown file, but I keep getting an error message saying the pages in not found. Any suggestions???

    1. Nancy & Roy Author

      Oh my gosh… I’m SO sorry about that Lora and thank you so much for letting me know. I always test all my downloads but somehow this one got bypassed. I’ve fixed it. I sure appreciate you stopping by!

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