Free Halloween Cootie Catcher Template

Here’s a fun Halloween activity and craft! Print out our FREE fortune tellers for some spooky fun! We have several versions including full color and ones you can color yourself. You might remember these as “cootie catchers” if your old enough. We show you how to fold them and use them. There’s one you can add your OWN fortunes too also!



jenny.creationPaper fortune tellers have been around for decades. We called them “Cootie Catchers” when I was a kid. I made this one just for Halloween.  My daughter Jennifer did all the artwork shown.  I’ve provided a downloadable pdf that you can print, cut, fold and use. There are four versions. A colored version and a black and white version you can color yourself. There are two of each, one with the fortune inside and one that is blank so you can write your own. Below are the folding instructions and how to use them.

blank630x20Supplies for Cootie Catcher Template

  • PDF template below.
  • Scissors.
  • Colored pencils (If you make the black and white one.)blank1(1)

Download the Free Printable PDF (Comes with all versions)



Folding Your Cootie Catcher Template

NOTE: Fold the opposite sides as shown as you go along. It lines up better that way. Make sharp clean folds.




Here’s a fun Halloween activity and craft! Print out our FREE fortune tellers for some spooky fun! We have several versions including full color and ones you can color yourself. You might remember these as “cootie catchers” if your old enough. We show you how to fold them and use them. There’s one you can add your OWN fortunes too also!



How To Use

Using Your Cootie Catcher Template

(Also on pdf)

  1. Have someone ask a yes or no question. Then choose a symbol, witch, jack, ghost or skull.
  2. Spell out the name of the symbol as you move the fortune teller back and forth
  3. Have them pick a number from the spot it opened. Move fortune teller that many times.
  4. Have them pick a new number  and open flap of it to get their answer


Here’s a fun Halloween activity and craft! Print out our FREE fortune tellers for some spooky fun! We have several versions including full color and ones you can color yourself. You might remember these as “cootie catchers” if your old enough. We show you how to fold them and use them. There’s one you can add your OWN fortunes too also!


Here’s a fun Halloween activity and craft! Print out our FREE fortune tellers for some spooky fun! We have several versions including full color and ones you can color yourself. You might remember these as “cootie catchers” if your old enough. We show you how to fold them and use them. There’s one you can add your OWN fortunes too also!


Here’s a fun Halloween activity and craft! Print out our FREE fortune tellers for some spooky fun! We have several versions including full color and ones you can color yourself. You might remember these as “cootie catchers” if your old enough. We show you how to fold them and use them. There’s one you can add your OWN fortunes too also!




    1. Nancy & Roy Author

      lol! Glad I could bring back a cool memory! Yeah these have been around for a LONG time. Enjoy it with your daughter!

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