DIY Trick or Treat Smell My Feet Gift Set

blank630x20Make a unique Halloween gift set for adults. It’s an all-natural foot spray and shoe freshener kit. Instructions plus free printables which includes a hilarious poem!

Here’s a crazy unique Halloween  gift you can give friends that’s not only hilarious but useful as well! Its a Trick or Treat Smell My Feet gift set with all the instructions and downloads you need below. You may remember that we did an article on how to make Natural Foot & Shoe Spray earlier.  In this article we give you all the printable downloads and instructions to turn that into a super awesome and inexpensive gift. And wait till you read the poem that goes with it!

Supplies Needed

  • Natural Shoes Spray & Tea Bag Sachets
  • Downloaded and printed items for kit.
  • Brown lunch bag.
  • String, raffia ribbon, regular ribbon etc for tying.
  • Hole punch.
  • Glue gun, regular glue.
  • Button blanks. (If you choose the button option) I provide a template for 2.5 , 3.5″  and 3.65 size from any craft store or from Amazon. (Link at bottom of post.)
  • Labels (If you choose the sticker option) Avery 5294 or Full Sheet labels.  See details below.


Trick or Treat Smell My Feet Poem (included)

This is the poem I wrote that is included in the free kit download. It’s on printed tags you can cut out and attach to your bag as shown!  FYI:  You can also leave off the poem tag and give the kit as a less humorous version.


Buttons / Stickers


You can make a regular pin on button to put in your kit using the button blanks shown or you can choose to print “sticker” buttons. The printables for both are below!





If you are not able to get the button blanks you can also print these on Full Sheet Label Paper cutting them out and and sticking one or more in the bag!

I’ve provided a template for the Avery 5294 Round Stickers that’s ready to print if you want to use labels already cut and ready to go.

Grab the template for that here.




 Gift Set Tags, Labels, Instructions Download

Free pdf download of tags, buttons, labels and instructions.
Printing instructions are on each


Button Graphics Option: png format (Advanced users)
For those who have the skill and software and wish to size their own buttons.
It may just open the image in your browser. If so just save it to your



Prepare your paper lunch bag as follows choosing whatever you like to tie it up with. I had some different shaped edging scissors and used them on one of my bags.

Make a unique Halloween gift set for adults. It’s an all-natural foot spray and shoe freshener kit. Instructions plus free printables which includes a hilarious poem!


Instruction sheet insert and button. Remember, you can also us a sticker button rather than the regular type shown.

Make a unique Halloween gift set for adults. It’s an all-natural foot spray and shoe freshener kit. Instructions plus free printables which includes a hilarious poem!


Make a unique Halloween gift set for adults. It’s an all-natural foot spray and shoe freshener kit. Instructions plus free printables which includes a hilarious poem! blank Make a unique Halloween gift set for adults. It’s an all-natural foot spray and shoe freshener kit. Instructions plus free printables which includes a hilarious poem! blank






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