Batty Treat Box an Easy Halloween Craft (Free Template)

Make this super easy Halloween craft! It's a batty treat box! Just download our free template, cut it out, glue it together and add some wiggle eyes! blank630x20

This little guy is cute as a bug… er… bat. Paper, glue and wiggle eyes is all it takes!  There’s a free pdf free pattern you can download below. Cut him out, fold him up and glue him together. You can stick some treats inside and give a whole flock (do bats fly in flocks?) of them away! Super easy Halloween craft for any age!

 Halloween Craft Batty Box Supplies

  • Downloaded pdf template below.
  • Black cardstock or construction paper.
  • Googly wiggle  eyes.
  • Hot glue.
  • White colored pencil helpful for tracing. (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Ruler & bone folder or butter knife or anything to score on dotted lines. (optional)

bat PDF Pattern





Gather Supplies

Here’s a little Batty Treat Box you can put together in minutes! We supply the FREE PRINTABLE PATTERN and instructions. Fill him with candy or even a small gift! Or make a bunch of them for a party! This is one of those low cost ideas that will put a smile on the faces of whomever receives them.

blank1Trace your pattern onto black paper. Cardstock works best.



Cut out your pattern.



Score where the dotted lines are. I have a “bone folder” I love but the back of a butter knife works just as well! 003


Fold on the dotted lines and glue together to form the box.



Push in the sides a little as shown to allow the head to bend over easier.



Fill with whatever you wish.



Add your google eyes and ears. Carefully fold the head over so as not to put a hard bend in it. Glue in place.

Make this super easy Halloween craft! It's a batty treat box! Just download our free template, cut it out, glue it together and add some wiggle eyes!


Make this super easy Halloween craft! It's a batty treat box! Just download our free template, cut it out, glue it together and add some wiggle eyes!



One Comment

  1. I love how you provide a simple black and white template, it saves my printer ink. I made a few modifications to your instructions, rolling the head forward and creasing the sides like a brown paper bag before assembling. I want to try to use two-sided tape instead of glue, too.
    I plan on making these throughout the summer so they will be ready to fill next Halloween.
    Since small children will be getting these next Halloween, I made a very important change to your design. No googly eyes! These will be candy bags, and I worry that someone will pull off the eyes and stick them into their mouths, possibly swallowing and choking on them.
    I am using the colored circle stickers that are sometimes used for pricing garage sale items. Red, green, yellow, whatever other colors I can find, maybe even hole-punch my own. Then I will hole punch black dots for the pupils and glue those over the stickers looking sideways, cross-eyed, straight at you, sleepy-eyed.
    I might even start these this winter. Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing your talents without charging some sort of printing or access fee.
    Blessings from Port Huron, Michigan, U.S.A.

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