Make Your Own Easels! (Free Printables)

Make Your Own Easelsblank

We’ve got bunches of tiny easels that are inexpensive and easy to make! These are for smaller items and work great for  4 x 6 images. You probably have most of the supplies laying around the house already. We’ve got free quotes to download below if you want to have positive messages around the house and also a free pattern for the poster board easels. blank

Supplies Needed For All Easels

  • Plastic soda bottle. Various sizes work.
  • Twigs, various sizes.
  • Paper straws.
  • Tongue depressors and Popsicle sticks.
  • Poster board or similar thin cardboard.
  • Small candy canes.
  • Pipe cleaner.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • Paint
  • String
  • X-acto Knife


  • Corner punches for your photos or quotes.
  • Downloadable and printed quotes below.

blankTongue Depressor & Popsicle Stick Easel

This easel is pretty self explanatory. Hot glue works best.


Glue two tongue depressors together on top making and “A” shape.tongue.depresser.easels.3blanktongue.depresser.easels.4blank

Carefully add glue where you will place your Popsicle stick across.tongue.depresser.easels.5blank

Use a small piece of chenille stem for the hinge.tongue.depresser.easels.6blanktongue.depresser.easels.7blanktongue.depresser.easels.8blanktongue.depresser.easels.9blank

Straw Easels

straw.easels.2blank straw.easels.3blank

The hot glue was not holding really well on these plastic coated straws so I added some colored string to help them stay together. straw.easels.4bblank


Twig Easel


Trim your branches to the sizes you need.wood.branch.easels.2blank wood.branch.easels.3blank

Glue them together as shown.

wood.branch.easels.4blank wood.branch.easels.5blank

I added string to not only help it hold better but because I liked the look. Rafia would also work.wood.branch.easels.6

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Poster Board Easels



Download a zip file with 14   4×6 quotes for printing.



Use a piece of poster board or a cereal box also works great.


blankScore and fold in half. paper.easels.2blank

Using the downloadable pattern trace your easel onto the cardboard and cut out.paper.easels.3blank  For the larger easel I added some ribbon hot glued in to keep it from spreading too far apart. The smaller easels don’t need this. paper.easels.5blank


Soda Bottle Easel

For this one all you need is a soda bottle and an X-acto knife. I used a 32 oz bottle. Remove the label and cut as shown!



Candy Cane Easels

Hot glue three small candy canes together. The back leg can be a little higher if desired to give it a slant.

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Spray with some sealer then spray paint as desired. These are great for small photos or place cards. !USE_00003blank

Download some free 4 x 6 printable quotes.

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  1. Patricia

    Our grand daughter (10), made a framed photo of her dad holding her when she was born. She used popsicle sticks for the frame and colored wood letters (DAD) on both sides of the frame. We live in a rural area, his birthday is in 2 days, so ordering on line will take too long. I googled ideas and your site came up. Thank you, I will let her choose which material to use. You saved the day! Thanks again!!

  2. Jen

    Thank you so much for these easel ideas! I am making 120 easels for my son’s football banquet and the paper easel is perfect since I don’t have a lot of help to glue sticks together!

  3. I’m going to have to quit my full-time job so that I can spend all of my time making all of your fabulous crafts and ideas. I love these easels and the printables!! Thanks so much for sharing.



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