Got Juice? Making Fresh Carrot Juice

Got Juice blank630x20Nothing gives you a HUGE shot of living nutrients like fresh juice. I’ve juiced off and on for years and its by far the best way to get a large amount of live veggies in your system easily.  My main juice of choice has always been carrots with some “extras” added in. (It takes about 1lb of carrots to get 12 or 16 ounces of juice.)  Carrots are easily found organic which also tend to be sweeter than non-organic. I add in some huge handfuls of greens for their wonderful health benefits. (The carrots will mask the taste as long as you don’t add too many greens.) I use organic spinach and Romaine and Kale which I can’t easily find organic where I live.  Kale is one of those “super foods” you hear about and I “drink” some daily whether in juice or my green drink.  If you need some added sweetness 1/2 an apple does the trick. I’ve done just carrots before or carrots with an apple… you can mix and match how you like!

I also can’t say enough good about my Breville Juicer. I’ve had mine for years after doing a lot of research and testing out some others. Its by far the best and easiest to use. It’s also easiest to clean.



Breville Juicer

Got Juice 5


Got Juice 4

Got Juice 1

Got Juice 2

Got Juice 3


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If you really want to get into the nitty gritty of juicing and all it can do for you, along with some free downloads and tips, visit our other posts below!

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